The Best of June

Ah, with all the traveling I forgot to post the 'Best of" post on the 1st of the month. But what the heck - I got new readers over the past couple of weeks, so better late than never. So here it goes - I posted 150 times in June. Here are some of the highlights.

I announced my plans for the trip to Germany and Serbia and later added some more details.

I was interviewed by Caryn Shechtman at Nature Network and later reposted the interview here.

I went to the XXVI International Association of Science Parks World Conference on Science & Technology Parks in Raleigh and wrote a longish post with my thoughts about the future of such physical sci-tech spaces.

In science news, a beautiful Mammoth fossil was discovered in Serbia. And Victor Bruce, a pioneer of my field, died in June.

I saw a big turtle in front of my house and a huge bug on my porch. I think this was the funniest video of the month.

First serious, thought-provoking, science-related post of the month was: Why or why not cite blog posts in scientific papers?. Then I dissected the Bentham Hoax by using a FriendFeed widget.

I posted the video about the Ethic of the Link as an intro to a very provocative post - The Ethics of The Quote - which made several journalists' heads explode. I still stand by every word I wrote there!

As much as I enjoyed writing the 'ethics of the quote' post and the ensuing discussion in the comments, the best post in June was actually not written by me, but by the Bride Of Coturnix - On Being a Nurse.

The 140 Characters conference in NYC, all about Twitter, had a science session of which I posted a clip. Later, I used Twitter to explain Twitter to some business-folks at MIT. When the election in Iran resulted in government shenanigans and the people's protests, I followed it on Twitter for the first two days or so (while it was still reliable) and reposted my tweets here.

In late June I started the series of interviews with the participants of ScienceOnline'09 - the first interviews were with Sol Lederman, Greg Laden, SciCurious, Peter Lipson, Glendon Mellow and Dr.SkySkull.

We set the date for ScienceOnline'10 so mark your calendars.

I started experimenting with audio (needs more work, now that I am back in the USA) and posted my first ClockCast. More will be coming soon.

Starting with the trip, I decided to do my annual Summer Chronobiology Course by reposting Clock Tutorials and associated good basic posts about biological clocks.

I participated in the Silence Is The Enemy blogospheric action - part 1 and part 2.

Work-related, I announced the May Blog Pick Of The Month at PLoS ONE, reminded you of Journal Clubs, pointed to the must-read article PLoS ONE: Background, Future Development, and Article-Level Metrics, and introduced the new PLoS Medicine community blog - Speaking of Medicine.

I arrived in Lindau on the 29th, still exhausted and jet-lagged I went to Mario Molina's talk about Climate Change, posted brief video interviews with Wojciech Supronowicz and Corinna Reisinger and then posted about the Tuesday events including my Open Access panel.

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