PLoS ONE Blog Pick Of The Month for August


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Fair And Balanced, of course. Can't insult anyone by naming names, can you? They, after all, just report and you decide which party it is....
When you are hungry for news about mammoths, you go and visit Archy, of course. But this time, he moves sideways to take a look at mastodons, hippos and Ken Hamm. And the tail, or whatever that is....
Patchi at My Middle Years has put together a great Scientiae carnival, reflecting (as it were) on Mirror, Mirror on the Wall. It's great -- go give it a good read, and share some link love for Patchi. Thanks, Patchi! And wait until you see who the next Scientiae host is.... :-)
I am NOT hallucinating! I wasn't sure at first, but I checked on YouTube and Game Show in my Head is real! And it's below the fold... I love the way the wife keeps thinking this nightmare is over, but it isn't until it is.... This is why you can NEVER believe anything you see on the news: And…