Tweetlinks, 9-21-09

Seven keys to building healthy online community

Is your work cited in journals which are not ISI listed? Publish or Perish

God And Prosperity - Ronald Bailey sums up a new paper by Gregory Paul in the journal Evolutionary Psychology.

Why the news media became irrelevant--and how social media can help

UCLA Art | Sci Center & Lab - UCLA Art/Sci Center promotes Third Culture: collaboration between (media) art & (bio/nano) sciences.

How Bad Papers Get Published in Good Journals

Begging meerkat pups

Sea Stars Grow Faster as Water Warms

AT&T 1993 "You Will" Ads - In 1993, you couldn't do any of these things (video).

Why the answer to health care is about as popular as puppy pot roast: You Have No Idea What Health Costs: If You Did, You Might Just Want Real Reform.

This is where I was last night - The Long Table dinner (and to prove it, here are some pictures).

Good for the N&R - the book is a format, not a formula, and I can't help asking, my favorite book for what?

Even Glenn Beck Is Right Twice a Day - Frank Rich digs into the Glenn Beck phenomenon in ways that Time magazine conspicuously failed to.

Canadian Health Care, Even With Queues, Bests U.S.

Common Knowledge: Communal news in a fragmented world and Something to Talk About: The Internet as a communications tool

Science reporting and personal bad habits

Science Communication: It's not just about the message

Science Communication: A Conversation


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