Tweetlinks, 10-03-09

Follow me on Twitter to get these, and more, in something closer to Real Time:

New SEAPLEX videos: The North Pacific Gyre - Miriam Goldstein Talks Plastic Aboard SEAPLEX and The Garbage Patch - Chelsea Rochman studies Salps with SEAPLEX

Journalism as capitalism

Google Rules - A high school principal tries to harness the precepts of What Would Google Do?

How to build a meandering river in your basement

Clock gene and moonlight help corals to co-ordinate a mass annual orgy

Brooks is wrong on Beck---very wrong

SPARC Open Access Newsletter, issue #138 - Ten challenges for open-access journals

Will Books Be Napsterized?

Conference blogging redux

Debunking a historically inaccurate circulating e-mail: How old is Grandpa???

It's Time To Hide The Noise - Sort all Tweets by recent/interesting? @jayrosen_nyu says that's THE Live Web challenge.


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