Tweetlinks, 10-05-09

Follow me on Twitter to get these, and more, in something closer to Real Time:

Warning, Revisited

How Twitter is changing the way wars are fought

Come hang out with me at ScienceOnline 2010

Nature Communications: A breakthrough for open access? (and discussion)

Using tequila to make diamonds - igNobel: Scientific Diagrams - How not to do it

2009 medicine Nobelists - their PLoS publications - they have all three published in PLoS.

Why Does Daniel Lyons Unnecessarily Opt-in To Stupid? (Contribution #1 of this)

Blogger Outreach Manifesto

Balloon Animals! (video) ROFL - is this Stuart Pivar's YouTube channel? (to understand why this is idiotic, see:this, this and this for explanation).

Malaria in Africa: The net gains of keeping mosquitoes at bay

Openly atheist candidate for office (Ovittore) given a 'religious test' - not kosher!

Tell Me A Story of Science - see excellent discussion.

Raleigh-Durham-Chapel Hill ranked as America's smartest metro area.

Blogs can be regulated by the Feds but not be protected from the Feds by Shield Laws

AcaWiki (first shown at ScienceOnline09) officially launched: a 'Wikipedia for academic research.'

UNC doctor Stephen Gamboa will represent North Carolina in a meeting today with President Obama

The Conduct of Science is a Social Science

Weekly PLoS ONE News and Blog Round-Up

Honeybee Research in PLoS ONE

Japanase production of Spring Awakening on You Tube (video)

BusinessWeek's Shirley Brady on online communities and crowdsourcing

But Plumber Chicks Are HAWT!

Journalists Become Trainers & Coaches for Local Communities

Why the Stimulus Should Have Been Called Rebuilding: U.S. Falling Behind in Trains and Internet

DonorsChoose Social Media Challenge 2009 Now Underway

Wow! Even high-end glossy magazines are shutting down! Conde Nast Shutters Gourmet After McKinsey Review and Media Decoder: Few Luxuries Left Inside Condé Nast

Best PR for #scio10 are interviews with past participants: 2008 and 2009


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