Clock Quotes

If we had no winter, the spring would not be so pleasant; if we did not sometimes taste of adversity, prosperity would not be so welcome.

- Anne Dudley Bradstreet

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Last winter it was not uncommon for me to go to bed wearing two flannel nightgowns. I would hunker down under our thickest comforter, pressed up against Mr. Zuska for warmth. Mr. Zuska, like many men, is an astonishing heat source, for which I have been grateful on many a chilly night. This…

I wonder if anyone has done any research on behavioral differences between those living on the east and west sides of their time zones.

Interesting. What I was wondering was a bit different. Yes, of course, people in cities get up, go to work, and go to bed with official time. Even when it leaps ahead or falls back. People are pretty good at getting with the program when practicality requires.

But... are there then measurable social differences because of that? City to city? Are cities on the western edge of a time zone more productive, because the official clock requires them to get an "earlier" start? Do cities on the eastern edge have less night life, because the night begins earlier for them? These likely are impossible questions, since there are so many other differences city to city.