Clock Quotes

If someone gives you so-called good advice, do the opposite; you can be sure it will be the right thing nine out of ten times.

- Anselm Feuerbach

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Since scientist-on-scientist communication is a longstanding topic of interest in these parts, I wanted to point out a recent (August 13, 2007) article in Chemical & Engineering News (behind a paywall, but definitely worth locating a library with a subscription) that offers tips for writing…
I recently posted an article on a particular "holistic" doctor's take on salt--the bottom line is the bottom line; more expensive is better. You'd think I'd call it a day. However, if someone is going to advertise widely, he's leaving himself open for criticism. How can one family physician have…
Smelting: gerund, the act of catching smelt (a small Great Lakes fish) by dipping a bucket in the water during the smelt run season: ex. Smelting is like shooting fish in a barrel. Sometimes it's too easy. You see, when you criticize someone for being wrong, that's one thing, but when you imply…
Too many idiots, too little time. My monthly award is going to have to be a weekly award now. Let's pray it doesn't become daily. John Scalzi has a very amusing post about Todd Pierce that links to another one, written by Teresa Nielsen Hayden. That post concerned Mr. Pierce, a professor at Clemson…