ScienceOnline2010 - the place to meet the rockstars!

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The nicest post about ScienceOnline2010 to date was penned yesterday by Arikia Millikan, the former Overlord of Seed (the image above is by her as well).

At the conference, Arikia will co-moderate the session on Web Science and I already introduced her here.

In her awesome post she compared the meeting to the Bonnaroo concerts. w00t! She writes:

For those on the forefront of the development of the Web, the World Wide Web conference was an event that educated, inspired and forged partnerships by connecting people whose paths would otherwise never cross.


The described enthusiasm and fervor of WWW conference attendees parallels the enthusiasm I observed of ScienceOnline participants.

And so I hereby dub the ScienceOnline conference, the Bonnaroo of the Blogosphere. I'm 23 and never attended Woodstock, but I think that as meaningful as it was to Sir Berners-Lee's generation, Bonnaroo probably is to mine. As important as it was to have a meeting in the late '90s to discuss and define the Web when it was in its infancy, it is as important to do so for the blogosphere today.


Attending the ScienceOnline conference last year was an incredible experience that further solidified my decision to pursue my interest in the Web. It's a place where, if you're into science and you're into the Web, and these are the things that get you really excited academically, professionally and/or socially, you can learn what the game-changers in the field are up to and talking about, and talk about it with them, maybe become a game-changer yourself.

As they say, read the whole thing.

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