In December I posted only 118 times, which is a historical low for this blog. Ah, well. At least you got to see a lot of cool videos!
The best (and certainly the longest and most provocative) post of the month was What does it mean that a nation is 'Unscientific'?
Web - how it will change the Book: process, format, sales was a shorter and thought-provoking post. And so was Trust and Language. And for something longer, and even more provocative, see All Science vs. Religion Conflicts are Essentially and Primarily Political Conflicts.
I wrote a long analysis of what exactly the partnership between Seed and National Geographic means, in Behold the Birth of the Giga-Borg. And posted a Year In Review
I announced the PLoS ONE Blog Pick of the Month for November 2009 (the December one coming up in an hour or so). And then I made the happy announcement that posts are now a part of Article-Level-Metrics at PLoS.
I posted the The Final and Complete List of All Entries Submitted for The Open Laboratory 2009 - Sci and I, aided by numerous friends who volunteered to judge the entries, are furiously working towards having the book out in two to three weeks from now.
I went to see Craig McClain talk at Sigma Xi. A really long and nice interview with me was published, in Serbian language. Then I interviewed Cameron Neylon.
Most of the other posts had something to do with raising the temperature for the upcoming ScienceOnline2010 conference - introducing the participants, parts of the program, the keynote speaker, etc.
Happy New Year, everyone. More blogging next year!
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