T.rex, Space, lively colors, mugs, and future scientists - the PLoS Store Spring Collection

i-9585b0fbd5c8ff9a821629bf59776408-PLoSbrainimage.jpgPLoS shirts are always hot items in labs and at conferences. People just love them. They ask for them, get them as prizes, or buy them, and proudly post pictures of themselves wearing them....

With the spring coming, we decided to make the range of items available in the PLoS store much more diverse. You can now find tiny Future PLoS Author shirts for kids. And elegantly done embroidered tees, hats and hoodies.

We introduced items with a lot more fun colors. And added T.rex to a number of dino tees, mugs and mousepads. There is LOTS to choose from, so take a look around the PLoS store.

i-e59291db3e0bf80dec0d4ad3e689c32b-PLoSspaceimage.jpgi-f13ea3b5bf869b9f1bcdf467e991e49d-PLoSmug.JPGi-c1b559722988472d5aeeb063aa242145-PLoSdinoimage.JPGHmmmm, I want some of these things myself!!!!


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