America's Science Challenges and Opportunities: Past, Present and Future

This is a part of Scope Academy 2010 at NCSU (click to see the rest of the program and to register):

SAS Hall, North Campus, April 10th, 4:00 pm

Scope/Harrelson Lecture

Keynote speaker Neal Lane, Malcolm Gillis University Professor at Rice University and senior fellow of the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy, presents:

America's Science Challenges and Opportunities: Past, Present and Future

The United States, especially since World War II, has been powered by science, engineering and technology. The rationale for the federal government's large investment in research was originally WWII and the cold war that followed. But in recent decades the emphasis has shifted to health and medicine and, more recently, energy, technological innovation and the economy. This talk will review a bit of the history, describe some current challenges and opportunities and offer speculation on possible futures for American science and implications for the nation.

I will probably go to this and blog about it later.

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