Which neurotransmitter earrings should Greta get?


Greta really wants some of these neurotransmitter earrings. But which ones should she get? Let's make this one a poll -- that way you can help her decide! When she gets the earrings, we'll post a picture of her wearing them.

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Now this is where I really regret missing the NYC meet-up, so I could get to know you and Greta more to make a more educated/informed vote. However, I would have to say that dopamine or norepi are the most interesting (to me), both chemically and neurobiologically. Serotonin is so overdone these days with the SSRIs while so much of our rewards, drives, and satisfaction with life and love comes from dopamine.

Dave, if she loves you like it appears she does from your pictures and you are addicted to each other, I vote for dopamine!

I guess i don't lack acetylcholine but still, i wouldn't mind having one more. Norepinephrine look good too.


What? No option for All of the above?

Then I'll have to vote for dopamine. This is based solely on the visual appeal of hte earring, not any consideration of the transmitters or their effects.

By somnilista, FCD (not verified) on 09 Aug 2006 #permalink

Buy 2 pairs (I'd get seratonin and glutamate, myself) and wear one of each!

Thanks, everyone! I've placed an order for...one dopamine and one serotonin, should be a nice pairing. We'll get the picture up when the earrings arrive, and I will definitely wear them when I lecture about the brain in Psy 101!