North Carolina Science Blogging Conference

Greta and I will be at the North Carolina Science Blogging Conference two weeks from now at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill.

An impressive list of bloggers and journalists will be attending, but there are still a few slots left, so if your weekend is still open, you might want to consider joining us. It's a great chance to meet up with dozens of talented scientists and educators from around the world, including ScienceBlogs' own Janet Stemwedel, "Abel Pharmboy", James Hrynyshyn, and Suzanne Franks, as well as journalists from The Lancet, Nature, and American Scientist. You can see the entire list of registrants here.

In true Web 2.0 fashion, the program for the conference is being created interactively, by the participants themselves. The conference site is a wiki, freely editable by anyone. If you're attending the conference, why not customize the proceedings to your liking? You can even join Greta and me for dinner on Saturday night.

There's a ScienceBlogs flavor to "in other news" today. Some great posts from fellow Sbers below:

ScienceBlogs has been experiencing some technical difficulties in the past couple days, so in case you can somehow read this post but can't load the others, here are a couple interesting items from outside ScienceBlogs:


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What I want to know is whether Dr. Steve Steve will be there!?