ScienceBlogs' Millionth Comment Party in Seattle

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ScienceBlogs millionth comment party in Seattle.

Image: GrrlScientist 27 September 2008 [larger view].

I finally managed to find a stable and free wifi connection AND an outlet, thanks to the University Bookstore, so here are a few photographs from yesterday's ScienceBlogs' Millionth Comment Party in gorgeous Seattle!

We celebrated at Ozzie's Roadhouse, and because it was warm and sunny, we all congregated on their second floor deck for the afternoon and evening.


ScienceBlogs millionth comment party in Seattle.

Image: GrrlScientist 27 September 2008 [larger view].

Ozzie's offered free wifi (as do most places in Seattle), but everyone was more interested to talk with each other so no one was tempted to whip out their laptops for any electronic bonding (I did get my laptop out for a few moments, though).

The waitresses took good care of us and the food at Ozzie's was both wonderful and plentiful.

Food. Beer. Fun.

ScienceBlogs millionth comment party in Seattle.

Image: GrrlScientist 27 September 2008 [larger view].

There were a few copies of the most recent issue of SEED magazine on hand for people to read. After looking through the magazine, most of our guests grabbed the subscription cards from the magazine and plan to subscribe.

Reading SEED Magazine.

ScienceBlogs millionth comment party in Seattle.

Image: GrrlScientist 27 September 2008 [larger view].

Of course, while I was at the party, it was my great honor to meet two more of my "SciBlings" for the first time; Sandra Porter, a microbiologist turned entrepreneur, Geospiza Education and who writes the blog, Discovering Biology in a Digital World (doesn't she have a lovely smile?);

One of my colleagues at ScienceBlogs, Sandra Porter, who writes the blog, Discovering Biology in a Digital World.

ScienceBlogs millionth comment party in Seattle.

Image: GrrlScientist 27 September 2008 [larger view].

I also met Dave Bacon, an assistant research professor in quantum computing at the University of Washington in Seattle. He writes the blog, The Quantum Pontiff;

A ScienceBlogs colleague of mine, Dave Bacon, who writes the blog, The Quantum Pontiff. That's his girlfriend next to him.

ScienceBlogs millionth comment party in Seattle.

Image: GrrlScientist 27 September 2008 [larger view].

One of our guests was John Sidles, a sartorial phycisist who is tenured by the Medical School at the University of Washington;

John Sidles, a tenured physicist in the Medical School at the University of Washington, attended the party.

ScienceBlogs millionth comment party in Seattle.

Image: GrrlScientist 27 September 2008 [larger view].

This is my best friend, Shannon Borg, whom I am staying with. She is a published poet and writer (her books include Chefs on the Farm: Recipes and Inspiration from the Quillisascut Farm School of the Domestic Arts and Corset [my review]);

My best friend, Shannon Borg, who is a published poet. ScienceBlogs millionth comment party in Seattle.

Image: GrrlScientist 27 September 2008 [larger vieww].

Shannon is a talented cook and writes often about wine for several magazines.

This is my friend, Suzanne, who is probably the cutest person I know. The camera loves this woman;

My Friend, Suzanne.

ScienceBlogs millionth comment party in Seattle.

Image: GrrlScientist 27 September 2008 [larger view].

Some of my Seattle birding pals showed up, so roughly half of our 35 or so guests were birdwatchers. I was most pleased by this. This is a picture of Connie Sidles, who writes beautiful essays about the Montlake Fill, my favorite place in the world to go birding, and Caren, who sends me lovely images and stories to include in Birds in the News;

Two of my Seattle Birding pals, Connie Sidles and Caren.

ScienceBlogs millionth comment party in Seattle.

Image: GrrlScientist 27 September 2008 [larger view].

Our guests really enjoyed themselves, and wanted me to be sure to thank Seed Media Group and ScienceBlogs for hosting a party for them. They are hoping that ScienceBlogs has another party so we can all get together once more!


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You make the party sound terribly civilized. I do hope it descended into something less photogenic afterwards.

It looks like you enjoyed yourself, anyway.

So, which photo includes you?

By Joel Haas (not verified) on 30 Sep 2008 #permalink

joel -- none of the pictures in this photoessay include me, however, i think sandra has one of me leaning over the scienceblogs banner after we'd hung it up.