Helpful stuff from my presentation at the Science Blogging conference

I'm posting this live from my presentation at the Science Blogging conference. My session is entitled "How to build interactivity into your blog," and this post offers some links that I discuss in the presentation.

Polling services
Blog Flux polls

Survey web sites
Question Pro
Survey Monkey
Survey Gizmo

Reviews of polling and survey services
How to report scientific research to a general audience


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Sorry I missed your session and thanks for the links. I've been looking for a good survey system that supports randomization. Looks like Question Pro does, but only at the $250/month level. Coming from a statistics environment, randomization is a basic requirement. Are most online polls so frivolous that randomization is not worth the trouble?

Thanks for posting the links. Unfortunately I was unable to attend your session at the conference but it was high on my list of interests so thanks again.