CEEA 2011 Conference: The Evolution of Engineering Education

I got an email the other day announcing the 2011 Canadian Engineering Education Association Annual Conference. It'll be held from June 6 to 8, 2011, at Memorial University in St. John's, Newfoundland & Labrador.

The conference page is here and the call for papers is here.

The call for papers:

The Canadian Engineering Education Association (CEEA) is an organization whose mission is to "enhance the competence and relevance of graduates from Canadian engineering schools through continuous improvement in engineering education and design education." This second annual CEEA conference continues to build on the previous efforts of the Canadian Design Engineering Network (CDEN) and the Canadian Congress on Engineering Education (C2E2). We strongly encourage the broad community of engineering educators to join us - from faculties of engineering and applied science, arts, science, education to libraries, teaching and learning centres and industry. Relevant student papers are also welcomed.

Authors are invited to submit ~300-word abstracts on a broad range of topics relevant to the theme, "The Evolution of Engineering Education." Topics may include:

  • Design for Innovation
  • Curriculum Creation or Enhancement
  • Innovative Teaching Methods
  • Information Research and Management
  • Professional Development for Instructors
  • Accreditation/Outcomes Assessment
  • Engineering and Society
  • Global Engineering
  • Engineering Education Research
  • Capstone and Multidisciplinary Design
  • Academic/Industry Partnerships
  • Service Learning
  • Professional Skills Development
  • K-12 Outreach
  • Integrating Design in the Curriculum
  • Bringing Research to the Classroom
  • Lifelong Learning
  • Design and Innovation Methodology
  • Engineering and the Environment

Upon peer review and acceptance of abstract, authors may choose to submit a full conference paper (six pages) or a one-page condensed paper. Condensed papers will be published in the proceedings as conference presentations.

Schedule of Submissions:

March 4, 2011:300-word abstracts submitted for review
April 1, 2011: Authors notified regarding acceptance
May 6, 2010: Final papers/condensed papers due

For further information, please e-mail ceea2011@mun.ca.

I was at the 2010 conference in Kingston and it was a terrific conference with my presentation on blogging here and conference recap here.


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*I just realized that that bare-bones description actually narrows down the possibilities to only one place, and some of your readers know exactly who I'm talking about. Bon soir, Jacgues, Remy, Phillipe, and all the rest! I really admire you guys.