Around the Web: Adrift? Not!, Preparing journal submissions, Asking the right IL questions and more

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It seems that Brock University in St. Catherine's, Ontario really likes me. Two years ago, the Library kindly invited me to speak during their Open Access Week festivities. And this year the Physics Department has also very kindly invited me to be part of their Seminar Series, also to talk about…
I'm doing a short presentation tomorrow on blogging for researchers as part of a day-long communications workshop for faculty here at York. And since a few months back I created a reading list for a social media presentation for grad students, I thought I'd expand that list in this post and add…
Thinking about the future is very hard. You'd think I'd know just how hard it is, having engaged in it on numerous occasions during my blogging career and even writing a book about it. But the more I think about the future -- of the climate, of society, of the economy, of information, of…
Stop the Madness: The Insanity of ROI and the Need for New Qualitative Measures of Academic Library Success 29 Statistics Reveal How The Apple's iPad Is Changing Our Lives Building Types Study: Libraries Learning Through Digital Media: Experiments in Technology and Pedagogy The Academic Library…