Around the Web: Resources on vaccination, anti-vaccination and why people don't trust science

Welcome to my latest "liberation bibliography" project. This time around I'm gathering resources concerning the recent rather worrying trend towards people not vaccinating their children. In particular the last couple of months have seen multiple cases where vaccination has been in the news, from statements by politicians, outbreaks among hockey players and at amusement parks and many others. There's been an awful lot written about vaccines and their safety recently and my aim here is to gather some of the best information, both in terms of outlining the main events as well as some commentary seeking to give context and understanding to the issues.

I am plainly on the side of vaccination. Without hesitation. Both my children have been vaccinated. I got the flu shot for 2014-2015.

Of course, I'm not an epidemiologist, I'm not an expert on public health or vaccines. These are resources that look good to me, and while I don't necessarily agree with every word of every post I do believe that they present mostly valid information.

If you are an expert or are particularly knowledgeable in public health or vaccines and think that some of the items I've listed here are inappropriate for one reason or another, please let me know in the comments or jdupuis at yorku dot ca. I may remove the links or completely delete the entry, depending on the situation.

As usual, if there's anything particularly useful or inspirational, also please let me know in the comments or at jdupuis at yorku dot ca.

I think I have all the major recent strains of the ongoing vaccinations story, but if I've missed one please let me know and perhaps suggest a few links. I have thrown this one together a little more hastily than usual, so it might need a bit more audience participation.

I'm including both some general resources as well as sketching out an larger narrative. As I mentioned above, the main narrative has two kinds of posts, those that directly sketch out the details of the various vaccination-related stories of the last several months and those that seek to put the issues around the science of vaccines into a broader context. In other words, some posts that seek to understand and explore why people don't trust science.

My hope is that these resources will help promote honest, productive discussion about vaccines and their importance for public health. Please use them to educate yourself and as preparation for discussions with others.



General Resources


Main Narrative: Vaccines and trust in science in late 2014 and early 2015


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i say vaccination is by far the best procedure as it prevents your body from catching illnesses however have we thought about the side effects it may have? especially in children vaccination can pose a serious problem by means of a sever reaction.

By u14169101 (not verified) on 25 Mar 2015 #permalink

i say vaccination is by far the best procedure as it prevents your body from catching illnesses however have we thought about the side effects it may have? especially in children vaccination can pose a serious problem by means of a sever reaction. u14169101

By u14169101 (not verified) on 25 Mar 2015 #permalink