Linkin Park: Facebook, Music For Relief and Human Rights


Anyone working to benefit human rights knows the challenge of public outreach and community engagement. I have been working with the AAAS Science and Human Rights Coalition for more than two years and we have made excellent progress in engaging scientists and scientific societies to learn how they can contribute their skills towards human rights with programs such as Scientists on Call.

But the efforts of popular performers such as Linkin Park are truly extraordinary in the scope and breadth of their outreach.

Today, February 22, Linkin Park is hosting a special chat on Facebook that links the United Nations with programs such as Music For Relief. With a whooping 23,257,751 followers on their Facebook page, they are poised to really make a difference to benefit human rights issues.

Go Linkin Park! Bravo!

If you tune in, please let me know and share what you've learned and if you plan to participate in future events.

Here's an email I received from the band, announcing the program:

Hi guys,

On Tuesday, Feb. 22, at 3pm PST / 6pm EST, we will be joining experts from the United Nations and the folks at Facebook for a unique Town Hall discussion about the ongoing relief efforts in Haiti. It's been more than a year since the devastating earthquake, and there is still much to be done to help send aid to the region. We will be talking about the progress that our organizations have made, and about how you can support the UN and its partners in helping Haiti to continue to rebuild and transform.

This is a unique opportunity to hear from UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon and a U.S. Government expert live on Facebook. Our conversation won't be complete without your voice, so be sure to tune in, ask your questions, and be heard.

Tune in to to participate. We look forward to chatting with you on Facebook tomorrow.


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thank you

By izmir çetesi (not verified) on 22 Feb 2011 #permalink

this is great! I lived in Chigwell England where Spurs train but there land is William Penn Jamica trading where slaves were brought to hold to America! Will I am and Defoe went to help haiti since I told them to give respect to land where they earn 50million! I went to the school where most kids where in earthquake.

By rachelle linney (not verified) on 22 Feb 2011 #permalink