The Future We Create - Women in Science and Technology

Source: "Girls As Inventors," The Huffington Post on the MIT Media Lifelong Kindergarten Group.

While science and technology may be complex and daunting, one thing is quite clear: we need more women to drive innovation and to provide different insights and perspectives compared to men. Tomorrow, March 1st at 11 am EST, The Dow Chemical Company and Scientific American are hosting a Virtual Conference to Engage Scientific Thought Leaders on the Future of Women in Chemistry.

I invite you to listen, learn and add your voice.

According to the website:

60 speakers. 60 minutes.
60 insightful perspectives.

Throughout the past century, chemistry--and all sciences--has seen enormous transformations in gender parity. Today, there are more female chemists and scientists than ever before. Yet, we are ready to take the journey even further. Increasing numbers of women worldwide are abandoning traditional career paths for more ambitious ones. The opportunity for women in science to effect change is unprecedented.

The big question: How can we work together to expand women's leadership in chemistry and the sciences?

The Future of Women in Chemistry and Science brings together 60 of today's leading minds to discuss, debate and define how women can move the field and industry of chemistry--as well as other sciences--forward. Covering topics from work-life balance and gender differences to mentoring young women and fostering executive leadership, Women in Chemistry will inspire, educate and challenge people to think in new and innovative ways about women's role in advancing chemistry, the sciences and human potential.

Event participants are invited to share their thoughts and ideas on ways to take next steps - as scientists and women; as examples for other cultures and industries.


Participants will hear a variety of personal vignettes - offered by women who are leaders in the fields of chemistry and other sciences, business, and women's studies - that give a historical account of science from past, to present, to future. Featured speakers include Mariette DiChristina, the executive editor of Scientific American; Dr. Connie Chow, executive director of the Science Club for Girls; and Linda Rosen, CEO of Change the Equation. Conference participants will also have the opportunity to interact with featured speakers and other participants via digital and social media channels, adding their voices to the overall dialogue on how to advance the profession. Follow Future We Create on Facebook and Twitter to participate.

The conference runs on the first day of Women's History Month and in the year of the 100th anniversary of the awarding of the Nobel Prize in chemistry to Madame Marie Curie. Additional information on this first virtual conference - including pictures, bios, and social media channels for all the speakers - is available online.

Subsequent virtual conferences will take place throughout 2011 as part of Dow's commitment to help encourage interest in chemistry among young people and to generate enthusiasm for the creative future of the science during IYC. Future topics will address sustainable chemistry, innovation, STEM education and other topics.


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Where exactly is the conference for MEN in Science and Technology and why is favoritism for women okay? It's called misandry, bub.

Since the early 1980's women have received more Bachelors degrees than men. In recent years, the same has become true for masters degrees, and women are an increasing percentage of PhD recipients. So women are, or soon will be, the majority of college/university educated people in America. I've seen very little discussion of what must be a major sociological change.

By Jim Thomerson (not verified) on 02 Mar 2011 #permalink