Japan's Tsunami 2011: "Humanity is One"

Uploaded by NOAAPMEL on Mar 11, 2011

Propagation of the March 11, 2011 Honshu tsunami was computed with the NOAA forecast method using MOST model with the tsunami source inferred from DART® data. From the NOAA Center for Tsunami Research, located at NOAA PMEL in Seattle, WA. See http://nctr.pmel.noaa.gov/honshu20110311

Amidst the flurry of our 24 hour news cycle, with the pettiness of the U.S. National Football League clashes {is it not a game, after all?}, and intense debates on union rights in Wisconsin, it's time for some perspective: we are all connected, and "mother nature" does not give a whit about our human problems....

President Obama said it best, in his press conference today:

I'm heartbroken by this tragedy. I think when you see what's happening in Japan you are reminded that for all our differences in culture or language or religion, that ultimately humanity is one. And when we face these kinds of natural disasters, whether it's in New Zealand or Haiti or Japan, then you think about your own family and you think how would you feel if you lost a loved one, or if your entire lifesavings were gone because of the devastation.

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With almost 24/24 coverage of the Japanese tragedy on European television, including horrific pictures of the tsunami sweeping inland, the only light note was a Eurovision reporter solemnly asking an expert "..and is this Teutonic Plate still moving?"
That's right, blame the Germans.

Its really very sad and heart breaking news yesterday for me.Cant digest how much feet it went high and i can pray for those who are really in trouble as well as pray for the ones who are dead.. A great console to those families.We mothers website, all family members pray to god for their well being really feel sad for japan families..

It's very shocking and sad...
It's now time that we humans should realize that we have spoiled enough of the earth... AND
It's her turn now!!
Prayers for all the victims of the tsunami. May god have mercy on them.
God bless Japan!!

By Porvi Rutu H. Vyas (not verified) on 12 Mar 2011 #permalink

The tragedy that had occurred in Japan is terryfing it makes people around the world see that there are things in life that can be worse than some problems we go through.
I can only imagine the suffering going on in Japan with families searching for their loved ones, and others fighting to survive with a limited supply of food and shelter. There was footage on the news that showed how empty the shelves of many stores are, and many people were saying that where they are it is difficult to find more food. Im sure that there are people who are still waiting to be rescued.
What is the status of the aid being sent by the US? How many people are being sent to help?

The tragedy that had occurred in Japan is terryfing it makes people around the world see that there are things in life that can be worse than some problems we go through.
I can only imagine the suffering going on in Japan with families searching for their loved ones, and others fighting to survive with a limited supply of food and shelter. There was footage on the news that showed how empty the shelves of many stores are, and many people were saying that where they are it is difficult to find more food. Im sure that there are people who are still waiting to be rescued.
What is the status of the aid being sent by the US? How many people are being sent to help?

Well I'm happy to see they are doing something useful. A single dollar or one minute of hands on time is more effective than a million prayers combined.....!

By ari jayes (not verified) on 14 Mar 2011 #permalink