President 2012: Santorum Out, Obama vs. Romney Inevitable?

An interesting turn of events! Now on live video feed, it appears that Obama vs. Romney may well be inevitable with the announcement of Rick Santorum leaving the Presidential race.

From Sam Stein of The Huffington Post:

In a surprise decision Tuesday, former Sen. Rick Santorum (R-Penn.) will announce that he is suspending his presidential campaign, The Huffington Post's Jon Ward has learned and several other outlets have reported.

The Pennsylvania Republican had taken a break from the campaign trail for several days to tend to his ailing daughter, Bella. He had pledged to continue campaigning through the upcoming Pennsylvania primary. But the combination of his daughter's sickness and recent poll numbers showing him possibly losing his home state apparently prompted the early departure.

The announcement is expected to come during an address in Gettysburg, Penn. According to Yahoo! News, Santorum called Mitt Romney earlier in the day to inform him of his decision to suspend his campaign.


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