Presidential Whore: Giuliani

What's so funny?
While sitting in a firehouse in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania,
Rudy Giuliani praises Senator Rick Santorum for being a tightass on security.
Photo: Joseph Kaczmarek/AP

Former New York City Mayor, Rudolph W. "Rudy" Giuliani, who many credit with holding New York City together in the wake of the September 11 terrorist attacks, popped into Montgomery County Pennsylvania last Tuesday to drum up support for Republican US Senator Rick "Dog Lovin'" Santorum's re-election bid.

"Senator Santorum is a remarkable political leader," gushed Giuliani to a receptive crowd of elected Republican officials, GOP candidates and first-responders and their families. "He is not just a U.S. senator, not just a political figure, but a leader."

The focus of Giuliani's comments was Santorum's strong positions both on homeland security and national defense.

"Senator Santorum had that position because he was able to look into the future, make a determination on what he believes is in the best interests of this country and to stick with it even when it becomes unpopular," said Giuliani, who has been mentioned as a possible GOP presidential candidate in 2008. "That's the kind of leadership we need."

Whore Score Card: you be the judge;

Giuliani was a moderate Republican, Santorum is a Republican wingnut
Giuliani supported* abortion rights, Santorum rabidly opposes them
Giuliani supported* gay marriage, Santorum rabidly opposes it

* Giuliani's current position on these issues is unknown, but more liable to change suddenly than the weather on a NYC spring day. (Don't forget, Giuliani began his political life as a Democrat, then registered as an Independent before following the same badly eroded bedroom-meddling political pathway that Ronald Reagan forged on his way to the Whore House, er, White House).


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This seems like a smart move by Giuliani. Santorum's in a tough election battle. If he loses it doesn't harm Giuliani. If he wins Rudy has an important conservative Republican in his pocket to stump for him in 2008.

Santorum has also tried to legislate the teaching of "intelligent design" in science classrooms. He's a dangerous wingnut when it comes to science.

By Peter Backus (not verified) on 20 Apr 2006 #permalink

Joe: I understand the nature of political favors, but this goes too far. Santorum is an anti-intellectual, anti-science, super judgmental bigoted non-thinking jerk. If Guiliani is willing to kiss up to Santorum on his way to his own potential presidential run, well, it's obvious to me that there is nothing that Giuliani wouldn't do, no one he wouldn't er, "kiss", to become president. is this the sort of person we want in the white house? maybe some people think this IS the sort of person who is appropriate for the presidency, but i strongly disagree with that. i want a person with at least a few principles as my president, a person whose principles are not defined solely by money.

Dear me, it reminded me of my earlier, MUCH earlier rant on Santorum. I didn't appreciate that it was almost a year ago when he was profiled in the Sunday NY Times magazine. Anyway, the rant was:…

And yes, there's every reason not to like the guy, every reason to not want to see him back in office, and Guilliani is just showing his colors, however politically savvy it may be for him to shill for Santorum. I never liked Guilliani, thinking he was an asshole when he was mayor of NY and now thinking he's an asshole who's especially full of himself for 9/11 --- why, exactly, he's the hero of 9/11 I never quite figured, but there you go, and he's milking it for all he can with the hope of taking over for George W.