Something To Get You Through Hump Day

@#$% Wednesdays!

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ScienceBloggers Greg Laden and Matt Springer have both weighed in on the weapons used by Fort Hood shooter Nidal Hasan. Matt disagrees with the basic gun control argument that Greg initially raised, but focused primarily on correcting some factual errors that Greg made in a later post.…
God help me, I resisted mightily. If my fellow SB friend Greg wants to spin the Ft. Hoot shooting as a cause for gun control then frankly there's pretty much nothing further to say. You'd think a @#$% major in the @#$% army on a @#$% army base just might not have been terribly inconvenienced in…
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This is a classic sea joke, but it's the first time I have seen a movie treatment of it! Thanks for the laugh!

I had to play that several times over! Nearly wet meself larfing!! "Up the Oirish" is what I say!

By Mrs Hilary Vic… (not verified) on 07 Nov 2007 #permalink