All the rage this week on the big bad web is the big bad albino orca. It swims around the big dark ocean intimidating other sea creatures with its big white...The...ummm...big glowing specimen was spotted aboard the NOAA RV Oscar Dyson with its pod about two miles off Kanaga Volcano, part of Alaska's Aleutian Islands, on February 23. At the time, Kodiak-based Oscar Dyson was on a research expedition for NOAA's Alaska Fisheries Science Center, assessing pollock fish stocks near Steller sea lion haulout sites.

So how many other cracker creatures are there?

An Albino Grey Nurse Shark spotted at Australian's best known diving and fishing spot Fish Rock.

One of seven rare albino alligators from a zoo in Brazil

Albino White-Spotted Ratfish caught during a marine survey in Washington's Puget Sound

The exotic albino fish named Earl taken during the West Bladenboro Baptist Church Trip to Fort Fisher

Same Albino Ratfish as above.

Tiny Albino Leatherback

Albino Blue Crab from Chesapeake Bay.

Albino American Lobster with a claw missing.

Albino Leopard Slug

Albino Chinese Softshell Turtle

Albino SandTiger Shark

Albino Monkfish

Albino Pilot Whale

Albino Cannonball Jellyfish

Albino Stingray
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tags: white orca, white killer whale, Orcinus orca, zoology, cetaceans, NOAA
A rare white killer whale, Orcinus orca, better known as an Orca,
photographed by researchers off the coast of Alaska on 23 February.
Image: Holly Fearnbach (NMML, NMFS permit 782-1719) [wallpaper size].
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This picture of a rare white orca was taken off the coast of Alaska's Aleutian Islands last month by researchers on a National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration research ship. Looks like he could use a bleaching. The whale had been spotted years ago but has eluded researchers since.
I believe the orca is actually just white and not an albino. At least thats what I read elsewhere. There WAS an albino orca in captivity once, named Chimo.
Seems there must be prophecy of the white sea turtle.
There's a page on albinos in "Ripley's believe it or not!: The Remarkable...Revealed." On it there's a kangaroo, a blackbird, a chimp, a squirrel, a gorilla, a hedgehog, and an alligator.
The albino rattail is ethereal, almost beautiful and majestic.
Too bad its just a stupid fish.
lmfao. you hate fish.
No! I love them! Especially sauteed in garlic lemon butter with a dallop of creamy dill sauce. Or beer-battered with chips with a nice hefty stout.
A perfect application of Gorton's Law!
2 points for 'dallop'. :)
that second photo looks like there is some black underneath that yellowness. Could it be possible that something was spilled on it? It looks like around the eye is the actual white normality seen in an Orca but the rest seems like a faded black.
btw, i love this blog. I check it every day. keep it up! u update me on my childhood dreams that just didn't work out!
That's a Loggerhead, not a Leatherback.
Cool pictures, though!
i'm sorry but the chinese softshell turtle looks a bit like a phallus.
I love them all
These pictures are very cool. Except that some of them kind of creep me out a little bit. Other than that they arre pretyy cool
yes very interesting pictures thanks for them i am using them in a school project :)
wow all of these pics are so very cool wded have an albino racoon in our back yard