Halibut, Really Big Halibut


8ft and 1 inch is the length of what is thought to be the largest fish ever line-caught fish. The massive halibut was caught by an angler in Norway. To bad Atlantic Halibut is on the Seafood Watch avoid list. Along with other Atlantic flatfish, halibut are still in decline. Moreover, the fishery often uses bottom trawling. The good news is you can eat Pacific Halibut as long as it is not gill-netted.

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But, but, but it looks sooooo delicious. Think of all the fish fry we could have! It would take a small crop of corn to bread that puppy up!

Well, as long as you're not old, infirm, pregnant, attempting to get pregnant, or young, I'm sure it'd be a wonderful meal.

The amount of bioaccumulated toxins in a big ol' piscivorous monster like that...*shudder*

By SebastesMan (not verified) on 29 May 2008 #permalink

The mercury provides a nice overtone when simmered in butter and crushed garlic. Those miniature plastic pellets in its stomach make excellent garnish.