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For you. Just for the halibut...

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8ft and 1 inch is the length of what is thought to be the largest fish ever line-caught fish. The massive halibut was caught by an angler in Norway. To bad Atlantic Halibut is on the Seafood Watch avoid list. Along with other Atlantic flatfish, halibut are still in decline. Moreover, the…
This begins a new series here at DSN. With the addition of Kevin, we are filled to the gills with all deep and biology. This allows me to pursue some other interests of mine. I get really excited about all manner of mechanical things. I have very fond memories of the 1967 Ford Fairlane with a…
By now, Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin's hypocritical position on budget "earmarks" is a part of the American political landscape. The former earmark champion is now the ostensible earmark slayer. Whatever. Unfortunately, a lot of science is funded through earmarks, so we should be careful what we wish…
Then this book might sit well on your coffee table. Ocean Treasure: Commercial Fishing in Alaska is a nice overview of Alaska's fisheries. My favorite parts of the book are the drawings of different fishing gears (ever wondered how a gillnetter worked?) and the chapter on subsistence fishing,…

"Hello, I need to purchase a fish licence"
"a what?"
"a fish licence for my pet fish, Eric.
He is an halibut."
"a what?"
"He is... an... halibut"
"You've got a pet halibut? you're a loony"


By Eyal Ben David (not verified) on 04 Dec 2007 #permalink

By the way, they love that joke down at the Red Lobster. Cracks 'em up every time.

By Sven DiMilo (not verified) on 04 Dec 2007 #permalink