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From Yahoo News... An Indonesian fisherman hooked a rare coelacanth...and briefly kept the "living fossil" alive in a quarantined pool.  Justinus Lahama caught the four-foot, 110-pound fish early Saturday off Sulawesi island near Bunaken National Marine Park, which has some of the highest marine…
Sketch by Peter Gulsvig, renowned Zartist While I believe this bit of news has been well circulated this week, I wanted to give it the Zooillogix bump. Plus, I can only assume Zooillogix readers look to our blog for the latest breaking news... thus it would be a great disservice to all 25 of them…
Diet and the evolution of human amylase gene copy number variation: ...We found that copy number of the salivary amylase gene (AMY1) is correlated positively with salivary amylase protein level and that individuals from populations with high-starch diets have, on average, more AMY1 copies than…
According to the Tree of Life project, Promachoteuthis sulcus is known from a single, small (25 mm ML, sex unknown) but distinctive individual from great depths in the south Atlantic Ocean. Now Benny and I are no cephalopodologists, but those chompers look a little different from the typical squid…

You're killing me with the suspense... and if there were any remaining doubts about my own geekiness, then admitting that a scientific blog is suspenseful would appear to seal the deal.

By FishGuyDave (not verified) on 26 Aug 2008 #permalink

You just made me snort coffee out my nose. Unfortunately it went all over my lab notebook so I think that I still win for being a geek.

Don't let him break you, Craig. Be strong. Hold the line!