
I've added gravatars to the comments. You can have a little icon (your gravatar) that represents you next to each comment you post. All you have to do is upload your icon at the Gravatar site and enter your email when you leave your comment. I don't display your email---it is just used to look up which gravatar to use. There is now a separate entry for email and url when you leave a comment so that you can have a gravatar as well as a link to your web page when you leave a comment.

Look at the comments to this post for an example of what it looks like.


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Gravatars are fun.

Mine is Margaret Huggins, girl astronomer and my great great great great grandmother. I get my looks from her.

Mine was going to be a practical demonstration of how a deltoid can be constructed by spherical deformation of a triangle of spandex, but it apparently wasn't approved :-)

I use a nice picture I found somewhere on the 'net

By Kristjan Wager (not verified) on 14 Apr 2005 #permalink