Three years old today

My blog turns three today. It started as a webpage that I updated daily on the John Lott affair. (To my mind, at least, this was different from a blog.) It's been through several changes of blogging software and host over this time and I'm celebrating the birthday with a move to ScienceBlogs.

The main reason for the move is the chance to be associated with the fine group of blogs here. The designers at ScienceBlogs are dreaming up ways to provide links to interesting posts at other blogs on this site in the sidebar, so my readers can get some more value out of my blog. I also now have advertising in the sidebar. I hadn't bothered with this before because it was extra work for not very much money, but I don't have to do anything except write the posts and cash the thin cheques.

Through the magic of redirect I will eventually be merging the old blog seamlessly with the new one. My goal is not to break any link made to my blog. [Update: this is going to be harder than I thought because Movable Type's Import Format does not support the import of basenames for posts. Why not? What were they thinking?]

For people who are here for the first time, here are some highlights from the old blog:


More like this

For a second time, that is. Some of you may remember me from Photo Synthesis, where I guest blogged for a bit a year ago. I am happy to be invited back to the borg! Myrmecos is not a new blog. Rather, we have been over at Wordpress since 2007. I say "we", because the blog has evolved to become…
ScienceBlogs has made a distressing move: they've given PepsiCo a blog. It's called Food Frontiers and will feature content written by PepsiCo scientists. For now, I'm not going to get into PepsiCo's contribution to public health problems or what kind of content we might expect to see on the blog.…
There's a thread on twitter, started by "@JacquelynGill" noting "The Day After Tomorrow", "@ClimateOfGavin" replying that "it was that movie and lame sci community response that prompted me to start blogging", and continuing "Spring 2004 was pre-RC, Scienceblogs, etc. Deltoid was around, Stoat, @…
Since my move here to SEED scienceblogs, I made a mistake of assuming, quite wrongly, that most of my visitors are aslo science bloggers (or people interested in science) who, almost by definition, regularly read all of the other SEED sciencebloggers as well. I forgot that some of the readers are…

Tim, could you post the new URL for your new blog on the old blog? I only knew to go here because of a post on C. Mooney's old blog. Thanks.

I'll take your new link and adjust the bookmark accordingly (and Meyers' new link, too), but it's still going to say John Lott's Mysterious Survey in my Safari bookmarks, so there!

Happy birthday!

By sixteenwords (not verified) on 14 Jan 2006 #permalink

Happy Birthday.

P.S. The URL on your last link (DDT ban myth Bingo!) is broken (one too many forward-slashes at the end).

By Meyrick Kirby (not verified) on 14 Jan 2006 #permalink

Happy and welcome to the new house, Tim.


Scienceblogs is turning into the Borg... first Pharyngula, now Deltoid.

I miss the old look for both of you, though. Everything here is so... generic.

Corporate site-blocking software that blocks anything with blog in the URL blocks this, as opposed to the former site. But that's probably a good thing, as I do need to do some work during my workday and this was too much fun.

So how long before one of the usual trolls announces triumphantly that you moved because they "exposed" the fact that Deltoid was hosted on a University server?

(Because, naturally, contributing to public debate isn't part of the traditional role of an academic.)

After all, they have to replace "if you're so smart why aren;t yu being paid for this?" with something.

By Ian Gould (not verified) on 15 Jan 2006 #permalink