The New Zealand Climate Science Coalition posted a Bob Carter article repeating his bogus claim that
global warming ended in 1998. When folks left comments pointing out the flaws in Carter's arguments, the NZ CSC responded by deleting all the critical comments.
Meanwhile, over at Climate Audit, someone tried to post a link to my criticism of a Climate Audit post and discovered that they have blocked any comment that links to my blog. Charming.
Via Gareth Renowden.
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this post, per posted an abusive comment, violating my comment policy.
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Bob Carter has managed to get a whole bunch of people to sign a letter touting his warming ended in in 1998 claim. Here's what they signed:
there has been no net global warming since 1998. That the current temperature plateau follows a late 20th-century period of warming is consistent with the…
The NZCSC's self-declared mission:
"To represent accurately, and without prejudice, facts regarding climate change; to provide considered opinion on matters related to both natural and human-caused climate effects; and to comment on the economic and socio-political consequences of climate change."
I tell you, you couldn't make this shit up if you tried.
"that have blocked" should be "that they have blocked," I think. *[Yes. Thanks. Tim]*
No really?? I am aghast that such a reputable scientific organisation such as the NZCSC would delete comments.
I found the article that had the facsinating fact that CO2 is heavier so it would sink in the atmosphere stunning to say the least. To think all this time we thought that CO2 was well mixed and along comes a CSC scientist and overturns it.
.... cynical bastard mode disengaged .....
Tim: CA's spam filter often delays comments containing links. Nevertheless, this comment got through:
"Someone tried to post a link to my criticism of a Climate Audit post and discovered that they have blocked any comment that links to my blog. Charming."
Lambert blocks links to his site from J.F. Beck. You can't blame Climate Audit for thinking this is how he prefers things.
They've just removed one of my posts here, where I linked to your Australian War on Science item to provide context for Warren. Presumably they didn't like the fact that I described the paper as "telling porkies".
Probably because you are an environmental vandal look at the damage you and your truffles are doing to the N BALANCE of a leeward environment.You are denitrating the land by inhitating the symbiotic mychorrizal fungi
Nice to hear from you, Maks. Pity you're wrong (mind you, it's not clear what you're trying to accuse me of, so that's just an educated guess).
Tim wrote: "Someone tried to post a link to my criticism of a Climate Audit post and discovered that they have blocked any comment that links to my blog. Charming."
The link to your blog is posted on Climate Audit on 30 August 2006 here :
And 5 days later, you go accuse Climate Audit for censoring whereas with a click and a rapid search, you can verify it's untrue!
What are you trying to say ?
Hi gareth I have been in East europe for the post G8 analysis meetings,and then to conferences etc...Intersting consenus of opinion from the Combined scientific academies of the G8 PLUS 4
It was a tease but it shows that we know little of the biosphere or the interactions in the chemical organic and inorganic transport mechanisms or indeed the chemical genesis and its sea-atmosphere-cryosphere-lithoshere etc interactions.
With regard to mychorrizal fungi and N nodulation read Hobbie journal of ecology april 2006
Demesure, they have the filter set so that any comment that links to my blog gets put into moderation. That's why Dino posted again with a link that went through a redirection service. This comment was posted immediately. The other comment was not released from moderation until after I wrote my post. Why did it not occur to you that the comment did not appear until after my post?
Dunno, little tim. I followed a few of the links to Tim L's site from J.F. Beck's without a problem. Mind you, I didn't try them all ... lost interest trawling RWDB's history after four or five straight successes linking back to here.
"The other comment was not released from moderation until after I wrote my post. Why did it not occur to you that the comment did not appear until after my post?"
It happens that I had a post with an "innocent" link (maybe with lots of ads ?) filtered out by 's Spam Karma and had to repost with a tinyurl redirected link.A post may trigger a false positive because of blacklist as well as because of proxies (router proxies that is ;) ), filter misconfiguration or many other things else.
So this kind of paranoia doesn't serve well your point. If you want to complaint against real humane censorship (not fuzzy automated one) and premature closing of a comment field, is a choice target.
we know little of the biosphere or the interactions in the chemical organic and inorganic transport mechanisms or indeed the chemical genesis and its sea-atmosphere-cryosphere-lithoshere etc interactions.
Contrascience by polysyllaby!
Demesure, I know how Spam Karma works. I was using it before climateaudit was. They have put my blog in the blacklist. This is part of an ongoing pattern there of censorship -- my comments are often deleted. And no, it's not Spam Karma automatically doing it, it's done by human intervention. I've never had any problems with realclimate censoring my comments.
Tim: That's interesting; my experience has been the exact reverse of yours. I have given up on trying to post at RealClimate given that what I write so rarely shows up there. Contrary views tend to just silently disappear.
(For instance, even when they're discussing the Wegman Report you probably can't post a link to the report itself in the comments.)
ClimateAudit often holds up my postings for a human review - especially those containing links - but they always eventually get through. It just takes a couple days. Maybe you should update this post to note that you jumped the gun and the comment did get through.
Their main "pattern of censorship" is to delete threads that get too abusive. Even doing that much is the subject of a lot of agonizing and hand-wringing in the "Road Map" area...
Glen, funny you should mention discussion of the Wegman report. Someone at CA asked me to respond to it, and since I couldn't post a link to my response here, I suggested clicking on my name and searching for Wegman on my blog. Guess what happened? All the links to my blog from my name were removed.
CA censors comments all the time -- you just don't notice because yours don't get zapped.
Tim wrote: "Guess what happened? All the links to my blog from my name were removed.".
Can you clarify that statement? The most direct reading of it is false. Did you mean something more specific such as that that links in the body text of one particular ClimateAudit post were removed?
A quick search on ClimateAudit finds a great many comments of yours, all of which that I've checked contain links to your blog from your name. Too many to list, but just for instance:
There are also many places on ClimateAudit where your name (first and last, or just last) is linked directly to your blog or is near several links to postings on your blog. Again, too many to list, but just for instance:
While I'm sure you honestly believe you have been censored at ClimateAudit, the evidence you provide doesn't seem very solid. Is it possible that a few of your posts showed up late or were moved (they occasionally have been known to move threads around for housekeeping) and since you (a) expect to get censored, and (b) don't find climateAudit discussions compelling, you didn't look very hard or long for it and missed where it ended up, writing it off to censorship?