Deltoid on Facebook

I must follow the fashion here at Scienceblogs, so there is now a group for Deltoid readers on Facebook.


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Okay, here's one final update on our drive to raise funds for K-12 teachers to conduct projects in their classrooms. An e-mail came in today from Charles Best, the Bronx schoolteacher who established DonorsChoose: Thanks in great part to the attention ScienceBlogs generated, we…
I think I have a profile on Friendster - I don't know, I haven't checked since 2003. I have bare-bones profiles on MySpace, LinkedIn and Change.Org and I will get an e-mail if you "friend" me (and will friend you back), but I do not have time to spend on there. I refuse to even look at all the…

I know this makes me a dinosaur, but I am not on facebook and do not intend to be on facebook!!!

By John Cross (not verified) on 02 Aug 2007 #permalink

I'm not surprised John is Cross, he's so far behind the times!

Michael: I am only Cross because I had to give up my sliderule.

By John Cross (not verified) on 02 Aug 2007 #permalink