2,000,000 visits

The two millionth visitor here came from California State University, Sacramento. My thanks to everyone who has dropped by.


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My one millionth visitor came from Vrije Universiteit in Belgium and was here for 38 minutes. My thanks to everyone who has dropped by.
tags: five million, sitemeter Many thanks to everyone who has visited my blog, it has been a pleasure writing for you. I was watching sitemeter as it passed the five millionth visitor just now, so (amazingly), I know who it was. This person was from Chapel Hill, North Carolina, and was popping…
Sometime last night, my blog received its one millionth visitor. I had predicted that the one millionth visitor would arrive here in approximately two weeks' time, but thanks to slashdot, which linked to one of my stories, it happened earlier. I am so pleased and impressed with this blog and…
I'm in California for a few days, to give a couple of talks in Sacramento. I'm told that it's traditional to commemorate such travel by taking a photo of a hotel parking lot, so here you go: The obligatory hotel parking lot photo. There are, in fact, palm trees around here, just not any that are…

You're welcome, Tim . . .

. . . and, of course, thank YOU!

By Mark Shapiro (not verified) on 18 Feb 2008 #permalink

Well, one of the chapters is written by climate skeptic, Indur Goklany. You can often find him posting comments on Pielke Jr.'s blog. So what do you expect?

Ugh, wrong thread. Was aiming for the one on the DDT book.

I too want so much visitors on the site.. Can at you there is a special secret which you will share?

Hearty congratulations, Tim! What a tremendous accomplishment and a testament to your fine and well-reasoned writing. Here's to millions more!