Almost 50,000 comments...

There are less than 100 comments to go before we reach 50,000 comments here at Deltoid. The tradition around here is for some sort of award, so if you are number 50,000 and you include a valid email address you will a prize something like this.


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My commenters really make my day. Because I am such a crappy commenter, I really appreciate that about you. There have been many times in my life when my commenters have been the only reason I've continued writing this blog, and there has been an indecent number of times when one or more of my…

Yeah but the trouble is I don't want to help others get to the 50,000 target by adding to the total of comments.


Actually another point is that i live in the UK and the carbon footprint of sending the T shirt by air from Australia would negate the whole reason i post a comment here occasionally.

BTW is the T shirt organic cotton?


I did it again!

Doh!, Doh!


> ...carbon footprint of sending the T shirt...

This is something I'm struggling with at the moment. I accept what the science is telling us so, obviously, feel like I should make every effort to emit as little carbon as possible. I sold my car three years ago, have not flown for two years (but I like going places!), cut down on meat (but I like juicy steak!), and generally do the Right Thing.

You're not wrong about shipping the t-shirt, but where do we draw the line between doing what's right and continuing to enjoy / participate in 'normal' life?

Sigh, if only I could be a Denier, I wouldn't be saddled with this angst!

What makes me wince is the idea that one of the trolls might hit 50K mark.

Perhaps a surprise appearance by Anthony Watts?!

By Bernard J. (not verified) on 25 Jan 2009 #permalink

Perhaps you could award a virtual tee shirt!

Zero shipping miles!

By ScaredAmoeba (not verified) on 25 Jan 2009 #permalink

So when does the argument about whether 50,000 is actually 50,000? Will someone decide that number was actually invented by AAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLL GGGGGGGGGGOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRRRRRRRRRRREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!! in order to enslave the world in a bleak continuous depression with lower energy usage? Or will someone just beat it with a hockey stick and then claim the hockey stick is imaginary?

(I'll be back in about 90)

I am just here for the yellow t shirt. I am all about the science bling .

Happy New Year Tim!

A T-shirt just sucks, big time!! How about a big opal with most awesome fire and sparkle or a 5 ct flawless pink from the Argyle mine? I'm not too picky so a 1 ct stone will do.

Since it is O deg C here in Lower Lotus Land BC and we are just freezing to death, I'd like an all expenses paid trip to Alice Spring so I can go out into the desert on a camel and prospect for opals and interview the native old folks about climate change.

By Harold Pierce Jr (not verified) on 25 Jan 2009 #permalink

oh, can I have a t-shirt (virtual or otherwise) that reads:
"Tim Lambert was had by Greenpeace Canada's GMO sign hoax!"

Suggestion: troll comments don't count.

What's the total by that metric?

By Pierce R. Butler (not verified) on 25 Jan 2009 #permalink


>This is something I'm struggling with at the moment. I accept what the science is telling us so, obviously, feel like I should make every effort to emit as little carbon as possible. I sold my car three years ago, have not flown for two years (but I like going places!), cut down on meat (but I like juicy steak!), and generally do the Right Thing.

I think the gift should be dependent on the location of the winner.

Quite a few years ago i ordered flowers for someone i knew in Berlin via a Florist located where i live in the UK. The flowers were arranged and delivered by a Berlin florist.
You don't actually have to physically move goods across the world in order to conduct commerce. It is even easier today with the internet.

I gave up the car about 10 years ago. Never have flown anywhere.

See? All you have to do to keep the trolls away is offer a free T-shirt. You should tell James over at Island of Doubt.

(Did I win?????)

Bernard J said:

What makes me wince is the idea that one of the trolls might hit 50K mark.

Perhaps a surprise appearance by Anthony Watts?!

But Tim said "you will [get] a prize something like this".

I read this to mean a yellow T-shirt with the logo perhaps to be decided. "AGW is real" might be a good one.

Good idea.

By Hank Roberts (not verified) on 25 Jan 2009 #permalink

I can't be the only one sufficiently terrified by the threat of this award to ensure that I won't be posting here much until the danger passes.

Not that I've been posting here much lately anyway.

By Donald Johnson (not verified) on 25 Jan 2009 #permalink

I'm a Deltoid "virgin." OUCH! What have almost 50,000 people been commenting upon? Besides the prospect of winning a T-shirt from somewhere in New South Wales? Is that even an actual place? Has anybody noticed that the blog language doesn't actually say the 50,000th commenter will "win" anything? The word "win" has been omitted. Honest typo. or devious marketing ploy? I'm trying to lose weight but please send size X-Large(U.S.)anyway. What? Who knows what "X-Large" means in Australia(n?)? Given posts by "ScaredAmoeba" and other presumed pseudonyms, should I not use my real name? Did I mention size "X-Large"?

By Jack Kolinski (not verified) on 25 Jan 2009 #permalink

"See? All you have to do to keep the trolls away is offer a free T-shirt.

I'm not so sure about that, KristinMH. The hint of a prize seems to have lured Harold out to demonstrate to the world that, even after repeated exposure to scientific education, he still doesn't understand the difference between weather and climate.

By Bernard J. (not verified) on 25 Jan 2009 #permalink

Could we have a J-Curve that indicates the trend in Deltoid comment increase whenever The Australian publishes yet another piece of editorial stupidity?

P. Lewis.

I second Hank's response.

Perhaps the phrase might be preceded with "I acknowledge that..."

By Bernard J. (not verified) on 25 Jan 2009 #permalink

Any way you shape it, it's pretty damn cool. Raise a toast for science and reason.

Apply a 6th degree polynomial to the figures and either the 50,000 target will be missed by a wide margin or we passed the 50,000 target weeks ago!

Bring me the head of Jon Jenkins, on a t-shirt!


By Bernard J. (not verified) on 26 Jan 2009 #permalink

I heard that today was "Australia Day" so happy Australia Day to all you Aussies.

Err, or maybe you guys haven't mentioned it because it commemorates the subjugation of native peoples by imperialist capitalist oppressors and the exploitation of the natural flora and fauna..

Either way hoist a pint of any of the fine Australian beers available and try not to belch up too much CO2.

John Lott sneers at your little contest.

By Mary Rosh (not verified) on 26 Jan 2009 #permalink

Congratulations, John, and on a substantive post, too. Hold out for a fancy, personalized t-shirt, wrapped around something nice.

Thanks to all. I always hoped my efforts would be rewarded, although I never expected this!

CafePress is HQ'd about 20 miles away, although who knows, the T-shirt might come from China for all I know. There is at least hope that it's a short truck ride away.

My forthcoming Deltoid T-shirt will take its proud place amongst some other rare T-shirts I own:

-- SGI "Building a better dinosaur" Jurassic Park dino, scaffolding, with silhouettes of people at computers; required special permission from Spielberg. Limited edition. SGI did many T-shirts in its heyday, but this was one of the best.

-- Sun Microsystems-logoed, with slogan on back:

"The network is the network, the computer is the computer, sorry about the confusion."

[Not produced by Sun (or any company for which I've worked), although several Sun employees have tried to buy it from me.] Very limited edition.

-- Bell Labs "Belle" T-shirt, a minimalist (of course) white T-shirt, in which the Bell System logo, the second one on Dennis' home page, is tweaked to look like a chess queen symbol, in honor of Ken Thompson/Joe Condon "Belle" champion chess computer of the 1970s. Very, very limited edition.

By John Mashey (not verified) on 27 Jan 2009 #permalink