Ove Hoegh-Guldberg sends birthday greetings to Andrew Bolt.
If you don't know why there are seven graphs, see here.
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Hat tip: Ove Hoegh-Guldberg.
It doesn't get any better than this. My old buddy Ove Hoegh-Guldberg in Australia is the lead author on a paper in Science this past week that basically says we can see the end for coral reefs and its not far away. It says, in relatively simple language, here is the threshold (atmospheric CO2…
The Australian seems to have an endless supply of journalists who, with no background in science, write stories about how the scientists have it all wrong on global warming. The latest effort, by one Jamie Walker, is dealt with by Ove Hoegh-Guldberg.
Been quite on the Bolt front for a while.
Has he stopped saying stupid things or is everyone just ignoring him?
He's taken a break from blogging, pending his 50th birthday.
Wrong on both counts, he's on a long holiday in Italy and is considering his political options.
If Kevvie spits the dummy and has a Double D election around Easter, there is a reasonably good chance that the Bolter will find a Senate seat.
Well, I guess Bolt ceasing and desisting on the stupid front was the least likely option.
Boltard is going to take Fielding's spot is he? Talk about replacing King Log with King Stork.
Andrew Blot in the Senate? He'd be possibly even more absurd than Barnaby Joyce.
Maybe they could make him Shadow Minister for Climate Change.
Bolt wouldn't like it in politics. Like Peter Garrett, he has too much history. His fans will expect him to stick to his guns while the party will expect him to compromise and fit in, and the media will have a field day picking over his old columns - "But just last year you said..."
Still, it would be funny.
A mixture of Fielding and Barnaby would be about right.
Anthony Green thinks Fielding will lose his Senate seat if there is a Double D election.
Not suprising that Fielding would lose; I'd be very suprised if labour made the mistake of directing preferences his way again.
el gordo, you might be right, but given that on his blog he says,
it's reasonable to state that he's taking a break pending his 50th birthday.
Don't imply that I'm ill-informed or lying.
Ezzthetic, my apologies.
Interesting to see Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, 'the scientist' chundering up these fairy tale graphs. Will he still be standing by his hero Mann when he sees how he has been a lot less than truthful about the direction of his hockey stick!!
By the way Canberra just recorded a 40 year temperature low for September and snow on the hills ....but that is only the weather. Do you really believe what the IPCC tell you?
Lank, WUWT is just another waste of time. Some of its members are affiliated with corporate funded think tanks like CATO and AEI. As if that is surprising. Yawn. Par for the course. No peer-reviewed papers from this lot; see my response to el gordo on Open thread 33.
And stop mistaking weather for climate; I might as just well say that summer in much of Australia was the warmest ever. Not that confusing the two isn`t standard behavior for the denialists.
Lank, I live in Canberra and we've just had one of the warmest winters on record, followed by a series of intense storms, including dust storms never seen here before. So don't abuse my weather to make your points.
Lank at 13 is right.
It is 4 degrees colder now (9:30 pm) than it was at 1:00 pm. I plotted these times and temperatures on an Excel spreadsheet, which clearly shows we will reach absolute zero on Thursday evening. Do the maths, people!
40 years, whoopee doo. Melbourne beat the hottest on record for the 12th or earlier in September by more than THREE degrees on that day this year. The all time hot records just keep on coming but the cold records are very, very rarely all time records.
You wouldn't but you're just a politically-motivated ignoramus.
Alan and Lank are right. It *is* getting colder.
Furthermore, it is much, much darker now than it was a few hours ago. This decreasing sunlight trend (we are now at our lowest level of sunlight since way back early this morning) indicates that the sun has gone out, which will inevitably cause global cooling.
(I'm sure Bolt is onto this already - he's always onto everything that makes sense).
Re #11: Ezzthetic, I take that as an indication that his employment is at an end or at the least under re-negotiation. Newspapers don't generally grant open-ended vacations.
I take that as an indication that his employment is at an end
It's kind of a drag.
If I wanted to know what Glenn Reynolds, Dan Riehl, Tim Blair, Anthony Watts, Steve McIntyre, or reader John McLean was saying about anything, I only had to go to one place.
Now, I have to actually go and read them.
Sorry to be off-topic but there has not been a new topic for a while. How about something to thank the Lanfranchie Institute or whatever its called for keeping the Libs on the outer for another electoral cycle. A little thank you can also be sent to the Australian, for doing as told to. If only the right wing pollies were clever enough to see that this rubbish was intended for the public, not for their party.
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Steve Bloom,
Rupert upset the apple cart when he suggested people will be charged to visit news and opinion. The writing was on the wall, instead of 1.5 million hits a month the Bolter would be down to a piddling amount. There is nowhere else to go, except politics.
Andrerw Bolt is an old friend of Peter Costello, so he got the drum on the way ahead quite some time ago.
Hey I notice the Bolter has changed his tune. Now he thinks global warming stopped 8 years ago, not 10 or 11.
That means 2001 is the new 1998.
The authority is a BBC journo. What would those stupid scientists know.
[Here he is](http://www.abc.net.au/insiders/) on the ABC Insiders program at 1:30 in the video of The Sunday Papers.
Mark, glad to see you are back on form. I was sorry to see Dave temporarily reduce you to useless name calling.
The science denialists feeding Bolt probably realize that Hadcrut3 is about to pull the 1998 rug out from underneath them (I'd expect the trend starting January 1998 to be positive with November's figure or possibly October's) so getting in a pre-emptive goal shift is their best strategy.
This will help them for a while to fool people with short memories but eventually it won't matter what starting date they choose, the trend will be positive with any starting date. Then, of course, they'll have to resort to the brain-dead technique used by Steve Fielding who picks out the earliest single month that was warmer than last month and says there's been no warming since that earliest month.