Blogging on the Brain: 3/29

Recent highlights from the best in brain-blogging:

Is our sense of morality localized to the ventromedial prefrontal cortex?

More reasons for caution when beginning sentences with the phrase; "Only humans are cognitively capable of ......."

Are wild monkeys in a stone-age of their own?

Spatial memory in single-celled organisms.

Continuing debate about the correlation between intelligence and gross indices of brain size.

More reasons to think that glia are not merely "support cells" after all.

So, what is a brain "area" anyway?

More neurons is better, right? Not true, at least in terms of working memory.

Horizontal eye movements are shown to improve memory. (In case you were considering not moving your eyes, you should probably resist that impulse.)

Omega-3 acids appear to be even better for you (and in particular your brain) than anyone thought.

A BBC radio series on artificial intelligence, psychology and other brain-related disciplines.

A crashcourse on the learning algorithms frequently used in artificial neural network models.

No killer robots!

Blogroll additions:
Posit Science
On the Brain
Mens Forma


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