What do the little Boogers think about dog cloning?

It justs gets weirder and weirder.

You can find more of the story and more puppy pictures here.

H/T to Jennifer - one of erv's commeters.

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Someone told me, via email:

"Dear Danny,
Ms. McKinney is quite the character alright.

[You might be right...]
It's certainly possible that the dogs are not clones. Supposedly Lee Byeong-chun has verified that the dogs are clones and another group, at the same university is testing the puppies, too [ALTHOUGH THE RESULTS ARE NOT IN YET AND MIGHT NEVER BE IN]. Given all the weirdness around the story, it would nice if the university, without the connections to Lee, were to test the dogs, also. I don't think that will happen, though.
We'll just have to wait and see."

I agree with those sentiments, too. We will just have to wait and see: But one thing I want to say:

My big question for all the readers of the news story,
is why does everyone take the lab's word, WITHOUT verification first, !!!,
by an indepenedtn lab.....i mean, why are people so gullible about
science...? if the news says it's true, it's true? NO WAY, this
entire story was a PR lie......I think

why not report my
"suspicions" on my blog and let readers weigh in on this......pro and con......it's a shame on
science and it's a shame on science news reporting by the AP and AFP
and CNN......


do. blog on this. ask readers what THEY think pro or con. was the
clone thing a hype or did it really happen? ask your readers.

again, i might be wrong. I often am. But i smell a rat here, something fishy with this un-reported vertified lab report. Where is it? I believe we been had.....big time.....by a serial liar.....


Sandra, wow, Jennifer found the SMOKING GUN. this explains it all. book idea, book deal, free publicity, famous for 15 minutes, a movie, yes....BUT IT WONT WORK THIS TIME...

this entire PR ploy was to get a book deal and movie:

RE: from Jennifer's blog

3. 'Bernann' sold her house and spent $50K to clone her dog so she could sell a book and a movie based on Boogie/Cloned Boogies. Shes going to use the money she makes to open a 'school' for training therapy dogs in memory of Boogie.

... she's preparing to offer book and movie deal. "I hope to sell the rights and have a place called Booger's Place, which would be his legacy, a training center for service dogs for handicapped people," she told Morales.

Posted by: Danny Bloom | August 12, 2008 9:49 PM

Who's Jennifer? Do you have a link?

I can see where Bernann might stand to profit from her story (if enough people actually bought her book), but her actions don't prove that RNL is being deceitful.

youw rote: H/T to Jennifer - one of erv's commeters.

THAT Jennifer. On her blog post, she spoke of the book contract. Go look! I think that is the smoking gun!



3. 'Bernann' sold her house and spent $50K to clone her dog so she could sell a book and a movie based on Boogie/Cloned Boogies. Shes going to use the money she makes to open a 'school' for training therapy dogs in memory of Boogie.

... she's preparing to offer book and movie deal. "I hope to sell the rights and have a place called Booger's Place, which would be his legacy, a training center for service dogs for handicapped people," she told Morales.

you are right, RNL is not McKinney. True

we are still awaiting verification however.

i believe it will never be forthcoming.

and did you know the dogs were cloned from one mother dog, and four from a surrogate. i mean "clomed"
I do not believe this story will hold water. she did not have 50,o00 see more news here

She was a pretty girl in her youth, Crockett said. Quite frankly, her bloom had faded by the time I met her.

When she was booked on a $2,500 bond in Carter County, McKinney gave her occupation as disabled according to corrections officers, and was bailed out the same night by her father.

Julian, the retired investigator, recalled McKinneys parents as the best people you could ever meet.

He recalled they told him their daughter suffered a mental breakdown while in college, but that she had earned a doctorate. McKinneys father, who signs his name as D.L. McKinney in court documents, did not return a phone call Wednesday seeking comment.

Woman who had dogs cloned wanted in Tennessee
By JOE EDWARDS 1 hour ago

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (AP) A woman who made headlines by having five pups cloned and was linked to an abduction case in England is also wanted in Tennessee on charges she tried to plan a burglary in 2004, a defense attorney and prosecutors there said.

Joyce Bernann McKinney was charged in Carter County with criminal conspiracy to commit aggravated burglary, contributing to the delinquency of a minor and failure to appear in court, said attorney David Crockett, who represented her in the Tennessee case. Authorities there said she instructed a 15-year-old boy to break into a house, and Crockett said she needed the money to buy a false leg for a beloved horse.

Crockett said Thursday he hasn't heard from her since she skipped a court date, but after seeing television coverage of the cloning case, he's certain she's the same person known to the world as dog lover Bernann McKinney.

Prosecutors are reviewing charges against the 58-year-old McKinney to decide whether to pursue the case, said Melanie Widener, an assistant district attorney for the county in the northeast part of the state near the North Carolina state line.

"It'll depend on where she is now, how important the case is, how much it would cost the taxpayers and whether witnesses are still around," she said.

McKinney declined comment when reached by phone Thursday.

McKinney was arrested in November 2004 in Tennessee in a van with the 15-year-old, according to a Carter County Sheriff's Department arrest report.

McKinney, then living across the state line in Avery County, N.C., needed money to help her three-legged horse, Crockett said.

"She loved it dearly," Crockett said. "She was a rather bizarre character, and seems to have a strange circumstance now."

He recalled that McKinney had two or three dogs in her car when she conferred with him about her case.

"There was a strong aroma about her, and I told her this needed to be taken care of before I went to court with her," Crockett said.

McKinney made news around the world this summer when she had five pups cloned in South Korea from her beloved pit bull Booger.

She later confirmed she was Joyce McKinney, who in 1977 became a British tabloid sensation over the kidnapping case. She faced charges of unlawful imprisonment after she was accused of abducting a Mormon missionary in England, handcuffing him to a bed and making him her sex slave. She jumped bail and was never brought to justice.

"She is bold to put herself on worldwide television," Crockett said. "She must know she's a fugitive in at least one state."

By Danny Bloom (not verified) on 14 Aug 2008 #permalink

American woman who cloned dog leaves South Korea without pups

August 15 news report, google it

SEOUL, South Korea The American woman who made global headlines for commissioning clones of her favourite pet dog has left South Korea without the puppies.

Bernann McKinney was in South Korea this month to see the five dogs duplicated from her dead pitbull Booger by Seoul-based RNL Bio.

But the publicity led to her being identified as a woman who faced charges in the 1970s of abduction and unlawful imprisonment of a Mormon missionary in Britain.

Kim Yoon, a spokeswoman for RNL Bio, said McKinney left South Korea last week to go back to the United States as scheduled and did not take the puppies.

Kim said she did not know whether McKinney would return to collect the animals

Thanks for the update, Danny.

I think the whole story is kind of sad. I wonder why she left the dogs.