Kuznicki Returns!

I am happy to announce that Jason Kuznicki has returned to blogging, for a time at least. His big translation project is on hold so he's back to showering us with his thoughts. Jason is easily one of the 5 or 10 most engaging and interesting writers on the web. Check out Positive Liberty.

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That retirement didn't last long. Blogging must be akin to heroin addiction.

Kuznicki didn't retire from blogging, he just took a break because he had to do a translation project that was expected to take several weeks. But now there is a break in that project, so he's back for the time being. Sandefur retired, but I don't think that'll last too long either. I think we'll coax him into at least making it a semi-retirement before long.

Ahh, I must have confused the two. I've only read Positive Liberty when linked from here. I think I was unable to find an rss/xml feed on the site so I never got to add it to my aggregator.


I've only got Atom syndication right now, but as I understand it, most aggregators accept it these days. I'll see what I can do about rss though.

Atom works fine for me I just didn't see a link on the site. I'll look again, thanks.

Just wondering, what was/is Jason translating?

I (will be) translating from a 500-page 18th-century manuscript source pertaining to naval history. Beyond that I remain somewhat in the dark myself.

Jason, does the manuscript have a title?

Jason, I seriously apologize for my lack of precision.

What is the origin of the manuscript that you are translating?