New Group Blog

Yes folks, this is the announcement you've all been waiting for. After weeks of pre-wedded bliss, we have finally managed to drag Timothy Sandefur back, kicking and screaming, into the blogosphere. I am happy to announce that I am joining forces with my three favorite bloggers - Sandefur, Jon Rowe and Jason Kuznicki - to form a group project. We are doing this at Jason's Positive Liberty site, which has been converted to Wordpress and set up for multiple contributors. I've made no secret of the fact that I think these three are exceptionally talented writers and I'm happy for the chance to do something as a group. Nothing will change here, as usual.

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Just wondering, does this mean that Dispatches will be going away? I know that you also post on PandasThumb.

I guess I'll have to update my links.

Don't think so raj.

That's what I get from reading the last sentence anyway.

Dave, you're probably right. I just hope that Ed doesn't cross-post the same post on a number of web sites. Links are OK. But crossposting posts with comments on a number of web sites makes it difficult to follow the commentary.

I really do respect Ed's posts and comments of (most) of his commenters. Which is why I keep coming back here.

No, Dispatches will be staying right here and I'll still be posting as always. It's possible that I'll have to pull back a bit on my group blog postings, but this blog isn't going anywhere regardless.

Ed, thanks. I have followed you here and to a number of other web sites largely because I have found you to be one of the most intelligent bloggers around.

All that time with the ITA folks and not a one of them made your top three favorites list? ;-)

By Joel Thomas (not verified) on 26 Jul 2005 #permalink

Joel Thomas wrote:

All that time with the ITA folks and not a one of them made your top three favorites list? ;-)

Oh, I'd put Paul and Josh certainly in the top ten. They are terrific writers. But there has always been a unique bond between the 4 of us who got together on this project, which is why I'm excited about it.

ITA is my favorite blog, not counting where I guest blog. Because my values are so vastly different from those of most of the writers at ITA, I haven't always managed polite interactions, but I do respect their abilities and accomplishments.

I wish you well in your new endeavor.

By Joel Thomas (not verified) on 27 Jul 2005 #permalink

Joel wrote:

ITA is my favorite blog, not counting where I guest blog. Because my values are so vastly different from those of most of the writers at ITA, I haven't always managed polite interactions, but I do respect their abilities and accomplishments.

I don't always agree with the rest of the guys there either, obviously, but I have great respect for them and I was honored when they asked me to write for them. Ironically, I was asked to join up after I wrote a post criticizing something Josh had written, which I think says a lot about their demeanor and how they handle criticism. They are great writers, and really nice guys as well, and I really do expect to see big things from them in the future.