Krebs on Kansas Science Standards

Jack Krebs has posted the entire speech he gave the other day analyzing the proposed Kansas science standards, including the full powerpoint presentation and mp3s of the speech itself. He explains why "critical analysis of evolution" or "scientific criticism of evolution" is nothing more than a strategic choice of words to get ID into public school science classrooms without calling it ID. The bottom line is that ID is nothing but arguments against evolution. The fact that these policies are being pushed only by enthusiastic supporters of ID is powerful evidence of what is really going on here. They are continually trying to pour their old wine into shiny new bottles thinking no one will notice. Krebs nails them on it.

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Wow, that John Calvert sounds like somebody from straight out of the dark ages.

Yeah. I think ID is sort of silly, too. But then I'm a 6-day creationist who thinks they just need to be honest about where they're going with this.

Ed, I don't think Calvert has tasted that wine he's pouring into those shiny new bottles. If he had, he'd find it's all turned to vinegar.