Gorenfeld's Video Blog on Rev. Moon

John Gorenfeld has a video blog up at Talk to Action showing scenes from the Rev. Moon's 1996 world tour with former President George HW Bush. It shows footage of a banquet hosted by a sycophantic Pat Boone kissing up to this leader of a decidedly anti-Christian cult, and it shows a Moon conference with speakers like Beverly LaHaye, Gary Bauer, and Ralph Reed. And it also shows footage of the crowning ceremony for Moon held in a Senate office building a few years ago. This is a story that absolutely needs more coverage in the media.


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I found this post on Blogesque through John Gorenfeld's site. It details how the Rev. Moon's speeches are often sanitized when translated into English. His translators take out some of the nuttier things he says in order to make them more palatable to non-Moonies. Specifically, he provides a more…

Somehow I associate Rev. Moon with Nehemiah Scudder.

By Jim Ramsey (not verified) on 23 Sep 2006 #permalink

You can find more information here and here . And I thought my fruit loops were whacky.