The fun of random speculation

If anyone has been watching the earthquakes worldwide today, you might have noticed that there have been three >M2.5 earthquakes in the Yellowstone Caldera today at depths <10 km. Not to say that it is anything, but just something to note.

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Just as unexpectedly as when the last swarm started, and just as unexpectedly as when the last swarm stopped, there is a new swarm. Verifying my initial statement: At least at some levels, the experts don't have much of a clue about these things. Not their fault. It's just that there is not that…
The Great Earthquake Swarm at Yellowstone that ushered in 2010 seems to be dying down, at least according to the USGS earthquake reports and analysis of the seismicity by the University of Utah and YVO. The daily updates on the earthquake swarms by Utah has ended. Looking at the earthquake over the…
There has been a ... ahem ... healthy discussion of Yellowstone's current earthquake swarm on Eruptions as of late. We've now reached ~1,500 measurable earthquakes over the last 11 days. The latest reports of the continuation of the swarm isn't going to make anyone happy, but still, there are no…
If you like apocalypse porn, you have probably been following the current earthquake swarm at Yellowstone. While there is no reason to believe that this is part of the lead-up to a giant caldera-forming eruption that will wipe out most of North America, or indeed to any eruption at all, there is…

I will be at Yellowstone next week. I'm not worried though, I know the odds are really small something is happening and that experts are always watching things.

On the subject of "super volcanoes", since modern man has never seen one, we really don't know a lot about what the precursors would be. I assume that of a "regular" volcano, but maybe just on a much bigger scale and maybe lasting longer? Interesting to speculate.

Once upon a time, I was told about the incredibly high heat flow measurements at Yellowstone while on an FOP trip (Friends of the Pleistocene). We were taken on a boat to the location in Yellowstone Lake over which the readings had been made. Needless to say, a lot of sudden and excited (worried?) speculation ensued. I've been keeping an eye on Yellowstone ever since.

Looking at the seismic data they have had a nice little swarm of small shallow earthquakes at Yellowstone over the last 24 hours or so, the vast majority are inside the Caldera. It is almost certainly business as usual at yellowstone.