Cleveland erupts!

And not because the Indians' season is finally (mercifully) over (zing!)

Cleveland steaming away in a 2008 AVO image.

Cleveland (the volcano) erupted on Friday, producing an ash column that reached 4.5-6 km / 15,000-20,000 feet. The full report from AVO:

Satellite data indicate that Cleveland volcano erupted briefly this morning at ~0730 UTC (2330 AKDT) 02 October 2009, producing a small, detached ash cloud that drifted northeast of the volcano at maximum altitudes of 15,000' to 20,000' (4.5 - 6.1 km) .

AVO has no real data seismic data right now for Cleveland, so only satellite imagery is being used to monitor the eruption. It seems like the eruption hasn't been followed by more plumes, but the aviation alert status at Cleveland was raised to Orange/Watch.

More news on the eruption when it arrives.

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Cleveland is one of those volcanoes (Sangay is another) whose combination of frequent eruptions and remote location makes the news 'Cleveland erupts' a bit like 'dog bites man'. Which is rather unfortunate, since not enough attention has been given to it. In Cleveland's case, an uninhabited island, no seismic monitoring, and frequent bad weather making visual observation difficult. Since its sudden explosive eruptions -this one sounds so far to be pretty typical- pose a serious aviation hazard. I think there would be a good case for some sort of monitoring when funds at AVO permit

Alright, Dr. K., here's my belief. We've seen magnitude 6.1 to 8.0 earthquakes in Samoa, Sumatra, Tonga, and now Taiwan and the Philippines over the past week or so.

I believe significant earthquake activity will continue to move northward along the Ring of Fire, and that Alaska should expect more eruptions in the months to come. Hopefully, this will not be the "Big One" that Canadians along the southern coast have been waiting for -- for 300 years.

This is my concern, being the amateur observer that I am. Just can't shake this feeling, so to speak.


having feelings of impending disaster seem to be a fairly common human characteristic. Amatuer volcano watching (which I enjoy) really has a bit of a Nascar aspect. You know something dramatic is going to happen and are compelled to watch the action and observe all the shifting patterns so that you can be looking at the right place at the right time, eventually getting the pyschic reward of both seeing the action and being fulfilled at having consciously (or subconciously) predicted it.

Connecting intuition and guess work to reproducible data, analysis and high probability prediction is where the hard science is. It's really great that Dr. K and his peers are giving us folks in the gallery a chance to see how they work!



This is what I'm waiting for: the day when cause and effect between volcanoes and earthquakes along tectonic plates are finally connected. That probably won't happen in my lifetime.

I can't help but think that underwater volcano in Tonga back in March had something to do with the earthquake in Tonga a couple of days ago, and indeed the earthquakes nearby.

So, please, governments and universities, keep up the funding for research into volcanoes and earthquakes. This is something with the potential to save a great many lives.

Really, it's not about giant Humboldt squid washing up on Vancouver Island, or any conspiracy theory!

One of these days, I will tackle the interconnected question - whether a big volcano can "trigger" eruptions around the globe. It is a big subject and one that many people perceive as a real phenomenon, but beyond a few studies for very specific parts of the world, I have yet to read about anyone being able to truly see a pattern. Doug might be on the right track in terms of the phenomenon - it might be similar to the idea that deaths of celebrities or airplane crashes come in threes. The mind can do some amazing things when it comes to looking for patterns

I love the uncertainty, it's like an adrenalin rush. How such beautiful fiery mountains can be so destructive. Yet people living in their shadow complain when the volcano in their back garden erupts.

Speaking of which, clockwork Vesuvius which did erupt aproximately every 20 years has slept just a little too much for my liking.... Any chance of an article of Vesuvius Dr K?

What do you class as the five most deadly Volcano's in the world?

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