Critical thinking in video games

Another fluff post. Again, I apologize, but I think I whupted todays test, so I dont feel bad :P

During tests weeks like this, I love to take study breaks by playing video games.

Not 'WoW' games that end up distracting you more than relaxing you-- Im one of those 'alternative' gamers that has benefited from the third revolution in gaming. I luv brain games. Ive always loved the 'Zelda' series, but now there is a whole new group of 'brain games'-- 'Brain Age', 'Big Brain Academy', and the like. Theyre nice because they are a 'break', but Im not shutting my brain off entirely or accidentally spending hours immersed in another world.

The latest game I got is kind of a fusion of the brain games and Zelda and is my new favorite: 'Professor Layton and the Curious Village.'

Isnt that a silly title? It came out a couple months ago, but I didnt buy it because it sounded like a baby game (ie 'Jimmy Jax and the Missing Teddy!'). After reading positive review after positive review (9.0 at Gamespot), I finally picked it up last week.


Its perfect-- Brain teasers and puzzles, but no pressure (the last Zelda game drove me nuts with time limits. I like puzzles to relax, not stress.) You can pick it up, put it down, get stuck, skip a puzzle, try it again later-- very player friendly (though sometimes you cant go on until you solve a set number of puzzles, or a specific puzzle-- but you can buy hints).

The puzzles are fantastic. Theyre just like the ones we used to do for fun at nerd school. Some of them are really hard, so this game probably isnt for little little kids, but all of the puzzles require careful reading and critical thinking which are GREAT habits to teach young 'uns! The graphics are just beautiful (not in a 'HALO' sort of way, in a painting sort of way). Perfect fr*ming-- teaching kids to be critical thinkers in an entertaining way! Plus, its not just the puzzles-- the overall story, playing detective/solving a murder/chasing down a cat teaches critical thinking skills in an accessible way. Young ones can relate to the Professors sidekick, Luke, and adults can relate to the Professor......



..... Okay, so Im partly gushing about this game because I now have a huge crush on Professor Layton. Tall, dark, handsome. Archaeologist. Genius. Gentleman. Patient. Great with kids. And then I watch the preview for the sequel-- Layton also can kick vampire ass. **SWOON!** LOL!!!

Side-note-- Doesnt the vampire look like Lestat? LOL!!

Two more tests guys, then back to business ;)

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Thanks, give me another game I will have to now go get. I already have enough to play. I think I'll have to import it though and try to muddle through with my poor Japanese. I detest dubs so unless it comes out in North America with the original language option I just cannot stand it.

Travis-- The original is in English, and the sequel will be too-- its just that the sequel hasnt been released in the US yet. Its funnier making your own story-line to the Japanese in that trailer :P

Coturnix-- You will luv it too! Number games, word games, mental 3D manipulations, trick questions, lots of mini-mysteries to go back and solve after you beat the game-- There has been only 1 Q that I thought was dumb so far (youll know it when you see it, involves chairs, might be a Japanese-->English problem).


Dont google too much about this game! I was looking around for the release date for the sequel, and I accidentally found some spoilers for 'Curious Village' :(

So that's where they're from!

I have to admit that sounds like fun, but I doubt I'll learn to play. I'm a reactionary old git about computers, so I never learnt to programme, for instance. And in regards to games, my socioeconomic stratum means that I just missed out on the phenomenon when it was on the rise.

Have you played 'Picross' at all? I'm addicted to that little puzzle game -- it's kind of like drawing a picture via sudoku.


OMGZ, that's the most compelling game preview EVAR. Well scored, too. Finished the game a few weeks ago and primed for the sequel, but now there's no WAY I'm going to miss it. :D Ah, the sexy! I think the British accent is pretty cool though. And he says "Preposterous!"

I think it's pretty cool that you can have a puzzle game that isn't inventory based, but really makes you use your brain in fun ways. Not the same puzzle over and over like those other puzzle games, either.

And um yes. Serious adults, we are. *goes back to Pokémon*

By ssjessiechan (not verified) on 05 May 2008 #permalink

This alternate promo video really clarified the storyline for me.

By paragwinn (not verified) on 05 May 2008 #permalink

Wow! A new game to try out for me and my kids. Since my eldest and I are Zelda junkies, we should have fun with this one. Thanks, Abbie! I hadn't heard of this one, and I'll now be watching for the sequel.

I'm an old-line board-gamer and RPGer*, but I'll pass this on to Daughter #2.

James 2:24

* Q: What happens to a 12th level elvish mage when hit by a FGMP14 at extreme range? A: He vaporizes, of course.

I'm glad more people are discovering this little gem. Positive buzz is needed to make sure we get more games like it in the future.

But I don't know what you mean about not getting lost in this game for hours; Layton is one of the biggest offenders in my collection. It's extremely easy to save and put it down at any moment, but I just get so caught up in the puzzles that I can't.

"And then I watch the preview for the sequel-- Layton also can kick vampire ass."

Are you sure he's a vampire, and not just a fancy dresser? I can't tell without an English translation! :)

I'm busy whooping up on Silent Hill: Origins, but may check this game out. Ever play the Adventure of Lolo games for NES? Good puzzle game.

By Richard Wolford (not verified) on 06 May 2008 #permalink

Darn it Abbie! You've gotten me addicted to this game! I spent over 4 hours last night playing this game. :p

Folks, she speaks the truth, this game is a lot of fun, and the puzzles are a lot of fun. I particularly like the fact that you can download new puzzles every week from the Nintendo Wi-Fi network. Yet another game added to my obsession list. Darn it! :p

"...I now have a huge crush on Professor Layton"

I hope you realize that those of us who've fallen in love with you are now insanely jealous!

ZELDA rules! Um, crap....I might have to *ask the wife nicely* (beg, basically), if I can buy a new game.

Speaking of excellent puzzle/adventure games, anyone ever play Chrono trigger for the SNES?

Took me about 12 hours total, but I managed to beat the game :) LUV! Thanks for the recomendation... Now on to finding all the rest of the puzzles and working on the weekly downloads. :)

It's no Grand Theft Auto...