Speaking of ground breaking documentaries...


You can still see EXPELLED in theaters if you dont mind paying $2,400.



More like this

I'm really not that worried about Expelled. Sure, it has resulted in a fair amount of posts here on the blogosphere (and I've done my fair share), but from what I can tell most people have never even heard of the film. Set to come out on April 18th, the film hasn't even shown up on the radar of…
Because people who pay what they owe on time hate America. Or something. Several banks--notably the ones whose asses we bailed out--plan on charging fees to cardholders who either pay off their balances on time or who don't use them very often: You may believe that your exemplary behavior shields…
It's Monday morning, three days after the opening of the creationist propaganda piece Expelled, and everyone seems to be talking about whether the film can be considered to be a success or not. Wing Nut Daily says that it was a resounding success (despite coming in at #8), while many of my fellow…
This is some email I suspect a lot of you have already received; look at it through new eyes, though. It's from Premise Media (I'm on their mailing list, and have been for a long time…how else could I have gotten an invitation to their premiere?), and I present it here as I received it, except that…

Ooh, allow me to continue for you,



Personally, I mind...
Abbie, if you don't mind, I just put up a post on HIV-1 and DARC, if you get a chance to read it and review it, please let me know if I screwed up too badly.

Before I pay for this, I need to know: will Mark Mathis be in attendance?

There's been some collateral damage here, too. For example, I now make it a point to buy Visine instead of Clear Eyes to make my horrifyingly bloodshot left eye behave itself (I have a really bad astigmatism).

So, NOW is it safe to call it a complete flopping bomb?

Ya know? For that money, you can buy a ticket to Thailand and probably pick up a copy for a nickel. In fact, with some of the money left over, you can also send Mathis and Stein a postcard telling them you bought the DVD.

If you REALLY hurry, you can still see it it Canada (tonight, at least) in a few theatres for the usual price of admission. And, of course, you will probably be treated to a near-private screening. In BC, it's still showing in Abbotsford and Kelowna , both of which have a large (for BC at least) christian conservative population. The Kelowna showing is only once daily, at 9:40 PM PST. That's nearly Rocky Horror Picture Show time! You've got 27 minutes to get there. New movies start tomorrow, though, bumping the old turkeys out of the way.
You may have MISSED YOUR CHANCE!!!!!11!!!

Also: Expelled private screening - $2 400
Expelled opening weekend box office gross in Canada -
$24 000


By T. Bruce McNeely (not verified) on 17 Jul 2008 #permalink

Actually Thailand usually taps into the same market of fakes and DVD rips as piracy in general. A quick search on The Pirates Bay and I'm pretty sure you can't find it in Thailand either... apparently even when it comes to piracy... people have taste.

You do know who they are targeting, right?

The religious wackos who will pay the fee to show the movie to their herd of sheeples. Hell, they might make a fortune!

Sickening thought. They might make enough money to make a sequel.


By Rayven Alandria (not verified) on 17 Jul 2008 #permalink

The tone of that advert seems so circus sideshow: "Prepare to be amazed", "You'll see wonders", "2 bits a gander!". I guess they've always had the tone of snake oil salesmen, they're just not trying as hard these days.

I forgot to add, mwa ha ha ha!

Also, I find this endorser funny, for more than one reason:
"-- J. Matt Barber, Director for Cultural Issues, Concerned Women for America"

I love this part: "...there is evidence to indicate intelligent design (God) in nature." So much for the claim that ID is not creationism. See also "elite few with a particular worldview (Atheism)." Can you pown yourself?

I loved the bit:

Share with your group what ABC News, Fox News, The New York Times, The Christian Post Variety and countless other National News organizations and publications have been talking and writing about.

Notice they didn't mention whether they were saying good things or bad. Didn't the New York Times rip the damn thing apart?

The tone of that advert seems so circus sideshow: "Prepare to be amazed", "You'll see wonders", "2 bits a gander!"

Coffee to keyboard transfer by conveyance of the nostrils... Thanks for that. Try hearing the standard sideshow caller in Ben Stein's voice. Or even better, think of the side show caller introducing the scientists in the movie... "Prepare to see PZ, the horrifying squid man! How can evolution possibly account for this terrible half man, half cephalopod!"

No, you can't have box office success. Not yours.

Gee, only 19,200 bits a gander!

Epic fail. Again. And again.

Hi all,

Sounds like the folks at Premise Media are in dire need of some cash. If they are really that "hard up" for some dollars, then why don't they release it as a DVD yet? Am sure Pat Robertson or one of the other Xian cable shows will gladly advertising it. Or better yet, have my "buddy" Bill Dembski hawk it over on the Home Shopping Network, with a bundled copy of "The Design of Life" personally autographed by Bill and fellow Discovery Institute mendacious intellectual pornographer Jonathan Wells.


(aka "Jekyll and Hyde of Paleobiology" courtesy of Uncommon Dissent IDiot Borg drone DaveScot Springer)

By John Kwok (not verified) on 18 Jul 2008 #permalink

*laughing too hard to type*

Is it true they're turning it into a TV series, with Bobby Lee playing the Ben Stein part? Or am I confusing Expelled with that coffee enema infomercial?

Abbie, you aren't being fair. That price is for after 3pm showings. It is only $1,800 for showings before 3pm.

You know what they say, the early bird designed by an intelligent agent gets the worm designed by an intelligent agent.

Hi Mark,

No, I believe Premise Media may be doing instead a pilot on Tim LaHaye's Xian sci-fi books (LOL!!!!), with my "pal" Bill Dembski auditioning for the role of the "Anti-Christ". As for "Expelled", it looks and feels like a crude SNL parody I've seen too many times from the likes of John Belushi, Dan Ackroyd and Jane Curtin.


(aka "Jekyll and Hyde of Paleobiology" courtesy of Uncommon Dissent IDiot Borg drone DaveScot Springer)

By John Kwok (not verified) on 18 Jul 2008 #permalink

But Chris Mooney and Randy Olsen have assured us that Expelled was a big success! You folks are obviously literal-minded scientists who are hung up on things like "revenue," "attendance," "profit," and "facts."

By Screechy Monkey (not verified) on 18 Jul 2008 #permalink

Only works out at about $200 per head if they pull in the same sorts of numbers as last time.

Still, I seem to remember DaveScot was thinking of volunteering some of the Dell millions so that his friends might get to see it.

This is slightly off topic, but I just realized that today is WAD's birthday, so I just sent him this congratulatory e-mail:

Dear Bill -

Welcome to middle age. May yours be a delightful birthday, and I do mean this with utmost sincerity. You and I were both born in the same year, though thankfully I DO NOT SHARE your birth date.

Alas you have missed your true calling in life. I think you are still quite capable of writing the definitive textbook on Klingon Cosmology.

Respectfully yours,


By John Kwok (not verified) on 18 Jul 2008 #permalink

WotthefuckingFUCK??????[interrobang x 666] Just when you thought it was safe to go back into the theater.......

I think I just heard Ben Stein and Mark Mathis say, "Thank you, sir, may I have another?" I for one would be more than happy to oblige. Mr. Darwin, do you still have that codfish? Mind if I borrow it?

By themadlolscien… (not verified) on 18 Jul 2008 #permalink

The tone of that advert seems so circus sideshow: "Prepare to be amazed", "You'll see wonders", "2 bits a gander!"

Thrill! At Ben Stein's pingpong ball trick!

Thrill! At Ben Stein's pingpong ball trick!


Giggle. Is that what they are reduced to. Thank god :) that our expert framers warned us beforehand that this would be a success so we wouldn't be caught by surprise :)

By John Phillips, FCD (not verified) on 19 Jul 2008 #permalink