My dads school is one of the final 5 in the NBC/Windows 'School Pride' competition! The prize is a brand new computer lab (and I think they get to be on TV or something too)!!
I want to SEND TEH HORDE over to vote for Dads school, but I cant. All I know about that school and how much the kids *need* a computer lab, I cant tell you all who to vote for and still feel good about myself.
Its like choosing between puppies at the pound. But at least someone might come along to adopt the pups you dont choose... the kids who dont win this competition will most likely just be screwed.
So I just ask that you all watch the videos and look at the pics and read the stories, and vote for whoever you want.
What a downer contest.
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Yeah, Abbeh, I'm with you. I can't see sending hordes over to places to vote for particular people. It seems sort of unfair, like the non-horde people don't get a fair shake.
Thanks for making us aware of the contest in an even handed way. I think it shows good character. Now all I wish is that the obscenely rich MS corp. would set up a contest that had ten or a hundred "winners" instead of just one.
Abbie? What? Your Dad is still in high school?
If its not out of place and people feel charitable, are offering $100,000 grants to help with school projects based on voting here:…
Today (the 7th for people reading this tomorrow) is the last day, and my daughter's school is pretty distantly in third, but it would certainly be nice if about 5000 votes descended in the next 4 hours and fixed that. Bear River Charter school could sure use a library (they don't have one at all), though all of the schools have pretty worthy projects.
Thanks for sharing! A school in my hometown is one of the contestants, and I didn't even know about this.
I hate it when people use the F word. You should absolutely send your screaming hordes to support your Dad. I'm sure he screamed and hoarded for you.
I voted but a downer contest indeed.
Not thrilled with the giant product placement mosaic either.
The producer however has been trying to counter the woo over the DTaP vaccine so...okay.
Resounding meh.
I miss "Kid Nation", if you are have one long distended commercial with engineered tension then send those kids to the Colosseum and make 'em scrap for what's behind Door #2.
I'm uncomfortable with an hour-long informercial that reinforces the worst stereoypes of public schools and paints private funding as the solution to our nationwide cognitive dissonance re: taxes and infrastructure.
In some ways this whole thing seems worse than Undercover Boss.
I'm uncomfortable with an hour-long informercial that reinforces the worst stereoypes of public schools and paints private funding as the solution to our nationwide cognitive dissonance re: taxes and infrastructure.
In some ways this whole thing seems worse than Undercover Boss.
You can vote once a day, all through the month of November!
I partially agree, Vinny, but I think its obvious which school is my dads, if you know 'me'. If you dont know me, its the best submission, and you probably voted for it anyway if you are a SciBlog reader.
my sons go to one of the 5 finalists school that actually had a video to vote on. If it is for a video that you send in and people vote on it how can a picture win a video competition? I'll tell you how! There are more people in the school system than all the towns in my sons' school. Excuse me, but was your school not insured for thousands of dollars? Sorry just had to vent!