Where in the world is ERV?


Im currently packing to go on a trip.

A semi-long trip (few weeks) where my internet access will be sparse (*TWITCH*... **TWIIIIIIIITCH**), so, funny enough, the blag is a little quiet now so its not totally quiet while Im gone. Also, just a heads up,The Management is going to be keeping their eyes on the comment threads while Im gone so I dont have to shut them down totally, AND THEY ARE TERRIFIED.

Im so proud of you guys :-D

Anyway, just for lulz, I wanna see if anyone can guess where Im going :-D

And here are some random neat things:

And now Im going to work on a FOR REALSIES science post for tomorrow :-D


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Thanks for the links to Phil jumping the shark. I gave up on him several months ago so I missed all of that drama. I'd hate to say that the tv show went to his head, but I don't remember him acting like this when he was president of the JREF.

By Iason Ouabache (not verified) on 07 Dec 2010 #permalink

Missouri? (I know, that's the lazy guess. But somebody has to do it.)

Stockholm and the nobel ceremony? :)

Anyway, just for lulz, I wanna see if anyone can guess where Im going :-D

To watch Carmen in San Diego with a guy named Waldo?

By Phillip IV (not verified) on 08 Dec 2010 #permalink

To hang out with Matt Lauer...?

By complex field (not verified) on 08 Dec 2010 #permalink

I wish Dawkins would come back to 'Bama and give a talk like that rather than wasting his time debating silly religious people. It was amazing meeting him, but I'd rather listen to him wax about cool shit than have to fend off ridiculous rhetorical non-arguments.

By Optimus Primate (not verified) on 08 Dec 2010 #permalink

I am going with Antarctica.

By BeamStalk (not verified) on 08 Dec 2010 #permalink

Kenya? Gonna grab you some blood? Wait, is the analogy between HIV researchers and twilight vampires ever made?

Bye bye. Have fun stormin' the castle.

It's only a model.

I vote for ERV beta testing the new PepsiCo/Seedmedia stupid proof Führerbunker.

For those following the saga of Shrek, Donkey and the RDF(aka the pumpkin shell):

The revoltingly smarmy lawyers for Shrek et al have filed a sloppy garbled long winded and precedent contorted 12(b)(6) motion "failure to state a claim upon which....warblegarble".

Unless Judge Walter is just looking for any dismissal hook to hang his hat on, it is an expensive clumsy obligatory discovery delay tactic.

Why did I get to read this Gordian knot without paying the $1.49 or using my fed ct. reader service?

Cause the PDF is hosted.



A fresh tasty new website in exactly the same format as the RDF with a chip-in-meter so we can all contribute money to Josh and Maureen's legal defense.

hmmmmmmm. I'll get right on that.

Tucked in teensy weensy script in the lower left hand corner is the e-mail.


Josh's lawyers begging with a crystal cup.


P.S. I wonder when the cartoonist/aspiring movie producer/lawyer the RDF hired is going to get hip to the fact that Defendant Upper Branch Productions didn't get incorporated until a year after Josh "volunteered" to let the RDF store use his California "corporation".

The registered agent is Legalzoom.com and the address is a mail drop in the strip mall two blocks from Meatloaf's house.

Scam from day one.

By Prometheus (not verified) on 08 Dec 2010 #permalink

@Iason#1: I diagnosed it as Corporate Retraining. Rule #1, always praise everyone else in your work place no matter how horrible they are. Rule #2, promote yourself at every opportunity. Rule #3, promote your work mates at every opportunity. And just so you know, We at Procter and Gamble are committed ... oops - wrong corporate sales pitch.

I've frequently disagreed with the BA, but I still read his blog. Unlike Mooo - Mmmm - whatsisname. I also looked up the original announcement by the AGU (around mid November) - reading the announcement was a real WTF moment for me. There were 2 appointments; the one I could understand because the dude had worked with policy makers on Capitol Hill before - but Moo - Mmmmm - whatever - I just can't figure out. I also can't figure out why the AGU sees any value in having lobbyists. They don't seem to understand that you need to provide "incentives" while talking to the lawmakers - that's the good ol' Corporate America way, and genuine non-profits like the AGU just don't have an Aladdin's Cave of incentives.

By MadScientist (not verified) on 08 Dec 2010 #permalink

Are you going into a witness protection program because of super-creepy psycho stalker guy?

I don't understand Lawyer, what does Donkey's "notice of removal" post mean?

They are moving the case to the federal court.

Initially, it buys them time.

Ultimately it will double the cost of their defense and the calender speed in fed versus state may break their necks.

Josh quoting Sagan just indicates he doesn't know what it means either.

Donkey seems to think it is some sort of vindication.

By Prometheus (not verified) on 09 Dec 2010 #permalink

Regarding the Mooney/Plait case:

Y'know, it's funny how some people put 'being rational' and 'being nice to people'/'being social' in total opposition.

As if they're somehow acknowledging that they and most people are idiots.

By Katharine (not verified) on 09 Dec 2010 #permalink


Can you let us know when The Management takes over so we know when we can start jumping on the bed and banging pots together?

I originally guessed that you were going to the Vatican to sleep with the Pope, but then the Christians gave a spoiler and told me you were instead going to hell.

Get an autograph from Satan while you're there, it'd be worth millions!

Going to France to meet your virus-boyfriend?