sa smith

Profile picture for user sa smith
Stacey Smith

I'm a graduate student studying the molecular and biochemical evolution of HIV within patients and within populations. I also study epigenetic control of ERVs.

Posts by this author

April 25, 2011
Its no secret that Im not a huge fan of the antibody hunter branch of the HIV-1 research world-- they search through thousands and thousands and thousands of B-cells looking for one or two that can perform a neat trick. They are brilliant people working really hard doing things that have limited…
April 21, 2011
Are you kidding me? Are you freaking kidding me?? Remember several months ago, the story about the PIs leaving their laptop in their car while they ate some Panera? And while they were NOMing someone broke into their car, stealing the laptop, and all their un-backed-up data? And we are all like "…
April 20, 2011
All I asked for my birthday this year is The Apocalypse. Dont let me down, Skynet! **fingerscrossed!!!!**
April 18, 2011
Remember this? Never mind. AIDS prevention pill study halted; no benefit seen
April 18, 2011
NatGeo had a pretty sweet program on the other night on viruses! I guess they made it like a couple years ago, but I somehow totally missed it!! If you read ERV, there was probably nothing new there for you, but its neat to *see* the scientists I talk about portrayed as creepy guys talking to…
April 13, 2011
Hipster Abbie: Remember when webisodes were anti-establishment? Group of cultural outsider kids makin 'The Guild'? Bored actors/writers makin 'Dr. Horribles Sing-Along Blog'? Now webisodes are like, so mainstream. Mortal Kombat: Legacy-- Granted, I would pay to watch Tahmoh Penikett eat a bowl…
April 12, 2011
A couple weeks ago, Teh Discovery Institute held some kind of revival 'conference' at a local Evangelical church. The Usual Suspects were there-- Caseytits, West, some other guy, but also my HIV Evolution BFF Michael Behe. I ended up not being able to go due to a scheduling conflict. I was at a…
April 8, 2011
I CANT GET IT OUT OF MAH BRAIN! IT GOES WITH EVERYTHING!!! I CANT STOP!!!! So y'all need to hide your kids, hide your wife, and hide your husband cause theyre homologous recombinaltion tinikering EVERYBODY out here!!!
April 7, 2011
A couple of days ago, Orac directed us towards an article that is one of the funniest pieces of 'Science Journalism' I have ever seen, anywhere. See, those of us on the 'non-kook' side of things have marvelously eloquent writers like Carl and Ed, and inquisitive investigatory journalists like…
April 5, 2011
The last time I wrote about a new avenue of treatment with Hepatitis C was in 2009. And it was a very new, very far-out kinda treatment. :-/ Now in 2011, I have another treatment breakthrough to talk about-- its more of a traditional antiviral therapy (protease inhibitor), and it works (especially…
April 4, 2011
I talk about how viruses and endogenous retroviruses can cause cancer (and all kinds of other diseases) all the time here on ERV. But one thing I hope I highlight for you all as well is how the scientific community can use viruses as a tool. We can take advantage of their evolved tricks and our…
April 3, 2011
I hate flying. I hate the wasted time. I hate the invasion of privacy. I hate being disconnected from the internet. I hate the food. I hate being around that many people. I hate being squished next to people on the actual plane. I hate the stress. EDIT: UGH AND THE BATHROOMS! I HATE THE…
March 31, 2011
Every Spring, you can count on a handful of posts here at ERV on allergies. Ive got em. I hate em. But I recognize that in many ways, Im 'lucky' as far as allergies go. I only have to deal with them for a few months of the year, I can move somewhere else and not have to worry about them at all…
March 30, 2011
Me: HAHAHAHA GUIS! FORTERRE IS MAH VIRUS BOYFRIEND! The virophage as a unique parasite of the giant mimivirus. La Scola B, Desnues C, Pagnier I, Robert C, Barrassi L, Fournous G, Merchat M, Suzan-Monti M, Forterre P, Koonin E, Raoult D. Me: HAHAHAHA GUIS! I IZ GOIN TO ANTARCTICA! Virophage…
March 25, 2011
Classic moment in ERV history: Me: *ranting to my mother about my interactions with a big-box-store veterinarian not understanding what 'platelets' are and letting smaller dogs attack him while he was waking up from anesthesia when he was getting neutered and my inability to get across to the 'vet…
March 22, 2011
Because I am having so much fun at mah conference, I missed my chance to plug a Q&A ninja/journalist Trine Tsouderos hosted with Paul Offit, vaccine inventor. Im sorry you all missed the chance to participate (Im hoping most ERV readers are Respectful Insolence readers, so you all got the info…
March 21, 2011
I like going to research conferences. Well, I dont like 'going' to them-- I inevitably get migraines from traveling, and this conference, I got the bonus of extreme motion sickness on the drive from Vancouver to Whistler... But I like going to them! Bunch of smart folks talking about their…
March 19, 2011
Im not really a 'charity' kind of person. I feel I do my part to help society with my time and knowledge, and I quite frankly dont trust most organizations with cash. Even the ones run by us can have problems. There is a way to 'get me', though. The charity wanting funds must meet two…
March 16, 2011
Laboratory is silent. Me: *staring at lines and lines and lines of sequences on several monitors, surrounded by coffee cups, energy drink cans, and boxes of Sudafed* Labmate: *working on a really important experiment so she can finish a paper and fucking graduate* Labmate: ... SPRING…
March 14, 2011
Youll have to excuse me for a couple more days. Im participating in the time-honored tradition of "getting 90% of your data the week before you have to give three big presentations".
March 10, 2011
Another student, me, and Bossman discussing some cool data: Another student: Thats so crazy! How could HIV do that?? Me: LOL! Its sentient. Another student: LOL! Its a conscious being with self awareness! Me: LOL! It can recognize itself in a mirror! Another student: LOL! It has critical…
March 8, 2011
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis, aka Lou Gherigs disease. Pretty much sounds like hell, to me. Your mind is fine, while your body is collapsing around you-- slowly but surely paralyzing you, taking away your ability to eat and breathe, while your mind is fine and dandy so you are acutely aware of…
March 7, 2011
As a scientist and a blogger and a science communicator, I luvs me some open access publishing! I can link to a paper everyone can read, people can leave questions or comments or ideas in my comment section-- its interactive and educational and a lot more fun for everyone (I end up learning a lot…
March 4, 2011
According to the 'Christian Martyr' Wikipedia page: * Saint Stephen, Protomartyr, was stoned c. 34 AD. * James the Great (Son of Zebedee) was beheaded in 44 AD. * Philip the Apostle was crucified in 54 AD. * Matthew the Evangelist killed with a halberd in 60 AD. * James the Just,…
March 3, 2011
Scientific conferences are so cool :-D It s bunch of really smart people getting together to pow-wow about a common interest, sharing their newest data, brainstorming new ideas, trouble-shooting, arguing, finding new collaborators-- its just so friggen cool :-D Unfortunately, us smaller labs can…
March 2, 2011
VIPDx took this down from their website, but this is the internet. The internet remembers everything. VIP Dx Laboratory is highly regarded in the field of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome and neuro immune disease testing. VIP Dx also tests for intestinal gut dysbiosis by means of the Immunobilan test, the…
March 2, 2011
I love Oklahoma... except for one thing. You might think that one thing has something to do with insane Christian Evangelicals or creepy perverted 'Conservative' Republicans, but really, you just get used to those sorts of things. I think I would genuinely miss them if they were gone. No, the 'one…
February 28, 2011
Hey one of my boat buddies uploaded a slide-show Quark made for us to YouTube! Everyone on the ship uploaded their favorite pics to the ship computer, then they picked some of the best for the slide show. Please note that one of THE BEST pics is of my hot white thighs. *AHEM* (you can turn the…
February 27, 2011
Air travelers may have been exposed to measles WASHINGTON (AP) - Public health officials are warning travelers and workers present at four U.S. airports on two recent days that they may have been exposed to measles from a traveler arriving from London. Authorities said Saturday that a New Mexico…