Teaching Carnival and Tangled Bank

While you're coming down from that heart-shaped box of chocolate you ate yesterday (or feeling virtuous for not having consumed mass quantities of candy yesterday), make some time to chech out two great carnivals:

Talk about great in-flight entertainment!

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In one short week (on February 1, 2006), there will be a new edition of the Tangled Bank, hosted here at Adventures in Ethics and Science. Tangled Bank is a blog carnival of the best science writing (broadly construed) in the blogosphere. In previous editions, topics have ranged across many…
This June 01, 2005 post from Science And Politics has been reposted (with mild edits) at several different places by me and others, including on June 01, 2005 on Idea Consultants and on June 10, 2005 on DailyKos. This post, in some way, turned me into some kind of carnival "guru".... What is a…
The very first blog carnival was conceived right here, in Chapel Hill, some four-five years ago or so. Since then, the idea took off and there are now thousands of blog carnivals, some generalist, some regional, but most are topical with topics ranging from food to sports to politics. But,…
D'oh, I forgot about Tangled Bank again (has it been two weeks already?) Time flies, as the theme to TB this week emphasizes. Check out some of the best science writing in the blogosphere, and note that I'm hosting it here in two weesk. Submissions can be sent to aetiology AT gmail DOT com--…