I'm overthinking this

Sign on the door of the San Francisco Zoo's "Insect Zoo" building:

No food, drink, gum, or smoking in the Insect Zoo.

No smoking I understand (an indoor space in a part of the zoo aimed at children -- and it's California). I'm less certain about the gum (but no one wants to step in it).

Why no food or drink?

Are they worried it will attract bugs?

More like this

I think you said it right here, "an indoor space in a part of the zoo aimed at children"

Indoors and children dont mix when food and drink are involved. Their reasoning is probably that kids are going to be common in the building, kids are messy, and this would ruin the facilities.

Having worked at a hands-on science center and having visited the really cool SF Insect Zoo, I'm picturing all the glass covered with sticky little handprints.

Additionally, you don't want to encourage eating and drinking when kids are around germ-covered animals.

Perhaps they don't want their prize specimens getting stuck on some kid's candybar.

"Why no food or drink?
Are they worried it will attract bugs?"

Ah, starting my day off with a laugh - thank you!

It's not a petting zoo, is it? That might explain everything. (And of course there's my favorite New Yorker cartoon with the sign for the tasting zoo.)

By Uncle Fishy (not verified) on 23 Feb 2006 #permalink